How does a career assessment for adults work? What factors are analyzed?

A career assessment for adults takes place in the form of personal interviews.

As a rule, you define the goal and procedure in an initial meeting and discuss how much time you should and want to spend on the assessment. Bring a current CV with you - it will serve as a good basis for the initial interview.

When the career assessment for adults begins, you will analyze your current life and work situation together with the advisor.

The topics you discuss are roughly as follows: Your

  • Education
  • Personality traits and values
  • Skills
  • Interests
  • Knowledge
  • Experience

Once you have found your personal answers to all these points, you will have a profile of yourself in your hands: Your location has been determined.

Now take a look at how the profile feels for you. Are you satisfied and are you in the right place or a good place for you? Then you should be happy.

Are you in an unsatisfactory or even the wrong place? Then we recommend aCareer counselingorCareer planning. You have already created the basis for such advice. The consultations will help you to define the desired change of course and take the new direction.

Here is another point: Don't put yourself under pressure during the location analysis. This is not about how exceptional or great you are, but quite simply about how you are. And let me also say this: don't cheat and don't fool yourself - otherwise you might as well save yourself the trouble of doing the professional location analysis for adults!

To the providers Vocational assessment for adults