What career opportunities does HR assistant training open up in the field of human resources?

The HR Assistant training program identifies you as a qualified specialist in the field of human resources at the administrative/assistant level who can reliably and competently carry out your assigned tasks both as part of a team and on your own.

Successful completion of the HR Assistant training course with HRSE certificate is also admission to the professional examination for "HR specialist with a federal certificate".

This will enable you to move on to higher vocational education and training, where you will have access to various further training opportunities with the federal certificate:

  • For example, the Higher Professional Examination (HFP) to become a Head of Human Resources with a federal diploma.
  • Study at a higher technical college in a related field, such as business administration (HF study program to become aBusiness economist HF)
  • But also postgraduate courses from colleges of higher education (NDS HF) or universities of applied sciences (CAS) in related fields. For example:

Note: Different admission requirements apply depending on the provider. For offer-specific questions, it is best to contact the school of your choice directly.

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