What does a career in insurance brokerage look like?

Insurance brokers - sometimes also called insurance brokers - are familiar with all areas of private insurance and advise private individuals and small businesses on insurance matters. A distinction is made between two types of insurance brokerage activities:

  • Tied agents work primarily on behalf of or in the interests of insurance companies. They advise existing and potential customers, submit insurance offers to them and conclude insurance contracts with them. They forward the signed contracts to the insurance companies for further processing.
  • Independent brokers work primarily on behalf of private individuals, companies and organizations. They evaluate the offers of various insurance companies for their clients, advise their clients and conclude optimal insurance contracts for them within the scope of insurance brokerage.

Consultations and brokerage take place at the customer's premises or in our own offices or agencies and cover all steps from making contact and determining insurance needs to submitting and explaining offers in detail and signing contracts.

The personality of the insurance intermediaries plays a central role in this. Success in insurance brokerage can only be achieved and sustained if the brokers gain the trust of their customers and do not lose it again through dubious, inappropriate or imposed insurance policies. Building trust and maintaining contacts are an important part of the brokerage activity, because insurance policies must always be adapted to new circumstances or renewed.

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