The most important advantages of further training in supervision

The training courses are aimed at advisors and coaches as well as specialists and managers who wish to acquire specific knowledge and skills for advising individuals and entire groups.

10 Advantages of the courses in supervision are:

  1. Most courses are designed for 6 months, i.e. you will reach your (first or next) goal relatively quickly.
  2. Most courses are designed as modules that you can combine and expand to obtain higher qualifications.
  3. The modular structure makes it possible to adapt the training to individual circumstances and goals in terms of time, content and intensity.
  4. You have the choice between different methods and theoretical directions.
  5. Career changers are welcome. Most providers offer the possibility of admission "sur dossier", i.e. previous training, activities and experience are checked and possibly credited as previous achievements.
  6. What you learn in the courses about group dynamics and role behavior can be applied immediately anywhere and at any time, even at family and class reunions. This can open up new options for action.
  7. The theoretical learning content is also continuously put into practice and experienced in concrete terms as part of the training and group work.
  8. The supervision sessions you complete in these courses will be credited towards subsequent training courses and qualifications.
  9. Some courses are suitable as preparation for the Higher Professional Examination (HFP) "Supervisor-Coach with Federal Diploma".
  10. Half of the course costs will be reimbursed by the federal government if the HFP "Supervisor/Coach with Federal Diploma" is passed.

Provider of further training in supervision