Timber construction foreman (BP)  (Schaffhausen):
1 Provider

Ein Vorarbeiter Holzbau auf einer Baustelle
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The following list shows you suitable providers:

Hanflandstrasse 17
9470 Buchs
Vocational and Further Education Center Buchs Sargans BZBS
As a leading vocational and continuing education center in Eastern Switzerland and the Principality of Liechtenstein, we offer an attractive range of educational opportunities: from solid basic education to vocational baccalaureate and a wide range of continuing education. In doing so, we focus on the demands of the economy and society.

In continuing education, 180 lecturers teach more than 2,000 students per year in courses, seminars and courses at general continuing education and higher vocational education level.

Our study concepts are geared towards the requirements of the economy and the final examinations and are based on the latest didactic and methodological findings. Our students learn what they need in practice. We want our students not only to "know a lot", but also to "know a lot" and be able to put this into practice successfully.

Quality is a decisive success factor. We are quality-certified according to ISO9001 and the federal education label eduQua.
Strengths: As a leading vocational and further education center in Eastern Switzerland, we inspire people. We support people in achieving their goals, strengthen the region and create space for encounters.
Region: Ostschweiz
Sites: Buchs SG, Salez, Sargans
Certifications, Memberships, Qualifications:
Cambridge English
ISO 9001 SQS

Schulen mit zertifizierter Bildungsberatung

Questions and answers

Die Ausbildung «Holzbau-Vorarbeiter» respektive «Zimmermann-Vorarbeiter» dient als Vorbereitung auf die Berufsprüfung. Sie dauert je nach Schule und Wahl der Unterrichtsform 1 Semester in Vollzeit oder 1 Jahr berufsbegleitend. Die praxisbezogene Ausbildung befähigt den Holzbau-Vorarbeiter, ein kleines Team von bis zu fünf Mitarbeitenden und Lernenden zu führen. Auf Baustellen oder in der Werkstatt verantworten sie damit die fachgerechte und effiziente Ausführung von Produktions- und Montagearbeiten. Eine interne Schlussprüfung dient als Standortbestimmung für die Lehrgangsteilnehmer und als Testprüfung für die anstehende Berufsprüfung. Abgeschlossen wird die Ausbildung Holzbau-Vorarbeiter (Zimmermann-Vorarbeiter) jeweils im August mit einer eidgenössischen Berufsprüfung. Wer diese besteht, kann den Titel Holzbau-Vorarbeiterin / Holzbau-Vorarbeiter mit eidg. Fachausweis tragen.

A survey was conducted by the education platform Ausbildung-Weiterbildung.ch among those interested in training as a foreman in timber construction. The survey revealed the following triggers for a school inquiry for training as a timber construction foreman with a federal certificate:

  • For 42%, a recommendation triggered the school inquiry
  • For 33%, the reason for the request is that they know the school
  • 25% made a request after reading an online review
  • One free text response states "Because I find the days on which the training is offered the most useful."

Personal requirements for carpenter foremen are:

  • Sense of responsibility
  • Leadership and social skills
  • Professional skills in theory and practice
  • Endurance
  • Physical resilience

As a timber construction foreman, you can attend the following advanced courses:

  • Courses from technical and vocational colleges, Holzbau Schweiz and the Bern University of Applied Sciences in Biel
  • Higher professional examination (HFP) for master craftsman in timber construction
  • Higher technical college for Dipl. Techniker/in HF Holztechnik
  • University of Applied Sciences e.g. Bachelor of Science (FH) in Wood Technology (check admission requirements)

In the timber construction foreman examination, various subjects are tested in writing over thirteen hours over two days. The federal professional examination is divided into three subject areas:

  • Personnel management and occupational safety
  • Preparation (work preparation, work planning, room and report)
  • Execution and supervision

Those who pass the professional examination can use the title "Timber construction foreman with federal certificate". This creates foremen with good qualifications for Holzbau Schweiz.

Im Gesamtarbeitsvertrag Holzbau sind folgende Mindestlöhne für 2020 definiert:

  • Holzbau-Vorarbeiter Lohn ohne Fortbildung und Berufserfahrung: 4'602 Franken
  • Vorarbeiter Holzbau Lohn ohne Fortbildung mit 3 Jahren Berufserfahrung: 5'135 Franken
  • Holzbau-Vorarbeiter Lohn ohne Weiterbildung mit 6 Jahren Berufserfahrung 5'403 Franken oder mit 10 Jahren Berufserfahrung 5'667 Franken
  • Holzbau-Vorarbeiter Lohn mit Fortbildung und ohne Berufserfahrung: 5'558 Franken
  • Holzbau-Vorarbeiter Lohn mit Fortbildung und 3 Jahren Berufserfahrung: 6'089 Franken
  • Vorarbeiter Holzbau Lohn mit Weiterbildung und 6 Jahren Berufserfahrung: 6'358 Franken
  • Zimmermann-Vorarbeiter Lohn mit Weiterbildung und 10 Jahren Berufserfahrung: 6'622 Franken

Im GAV Holzbau finden Sie jeweils alle Mindestlöhne als Holzbau-Vorarbeiter respektive Zimmermann-Vorarbeiter mit oder ohne Weiterbildung für die Erfahrungsjahre 0 bis 10 ausgewiesen. Natürlich richtet sich der Lohn aber auch nach dem betrieblichen Leistungsverhalten und weiteren Kriterien wie beispielsweise Arbeitsregion und Unternehmensgrösse. Den individuellen Lohn können Sie mit dem Lohnrechner des Bundesamtes für Statistik Salarium unter Eingabe Ihrer persönlichen Eckdaten ermitteln.

As a carpenter, participants in a timber construction foreman carpenter training course already have good technical knowledge and a broad basic knowledge. For this reason, the focus of the timber construction foreman (or carpenter foreman) training lies in the areas of management, organization and refined technology. The subject matter of the timber construction foreman or foreman carpenter training course includes

  • Personnel management, occupational safety
  • Planning the material
  • Coordinating logistics
  • Managing the construction site
  • Sophisticated timber construction work
  • Implementing quality standards

Through the timber construction foreman or foreman carpenter training course, participants expand their basic knowledge in the areas of technical calculations, statics, materials and construction. They also acquire. Timber construction foremen acquire and deepen their knowledge in the areas of correspondence, communication, marketing and IT. They know the factors of successful company management and have skills in work preparation, production and assembly.

We can answer this question thanks to the results of a survey conducted by Ausbildung-Weiterbildung.ch. This revealed the following findings:

  • 69 % are interested in further training for timber construction foremen in order to match this with their own needs
  • 19 % do this because this qualification has been requested more frequently in job advertisements
  • 12 % show interest in further training in timber construction as a foreman following a recommendation
  • An optional text response says "I would like to create alternatives in the building."

Die Zielgruppe der Ausbildung Vorarbeiter Holzbau sind Zimmerleute und Fachkräfte im Holzbau-Bereich mit einer Berufslehre als Zimmermann/Zimmerin bzw. Holzbau-Fachmann/-Fachfrau mit eidgenössischem Fähigkeitszeugnis (EFZ), die auf der Baustelle oder in der Werkstatt gerne ein Team leiten und als kompetente Ansprechperson im Holzbau auftreten möchten. Der Kontakt zu Mitarbeitenden, Bauherren, Architekten und anderen Projektpartnern verlangt gute Umgangsformen und Organisationstalent. Auch Verantwortungsbereitschaft ist für die Ausbildung Vorarbeiter Holzbau erforderlich, da einfache Probleme selbständig zu lösen sind. Wer als Holzbau-Vorabeiter tätig sein möchte, arbeitet als ausführender Teamleiter zwischen den Teammitgliedern und dem Holzbau-Polier respektive -Meister. Dazu braucht es Freude am Werkstoff Holz, Bauen und Konstruieren, gutes räumliches Vorstellungsvermögen sowie technisches Verständnis. Wer sich in dieser Funktion sieht, für den ist die Ausbildung zum Vorarbeiter Holzbau mit der anschliessenden Berufsprüfung im Holzbau der richtige Weg.

The aim of further training as a carpenter foreman or timber construction foreman is to lead a team of two to five carpenters including apprentices. As team supervisors, timber construction foremen are responsible for the professional execution of the work in accordance with the available plans. They also ensure compliance with occupational safety. After further training as a carpenter foreman, graduates continue to actively assist with workshop work, joinery and assembly. They share responsibility for the time schedule and the quality of the completed buildings. Timber construction foremen efficiently implement work plans and associated documents for project execution with the team and their own active support. They act as independent and team-oriented leaders who can spur on and motivate the team. After successfully completing further training from carpenter to foreman, you are an important link between the architects and the client. The specific activities include

  • Discuss the work to be carried out in the area of renovation or new construction with the architects
  • Accept the wishes of the client
  • Inform customers about the feasibility of the plans
  • make quick decisions when problems arise and solve minor problems immediately
  • Obtain support from the timber construction foreman for major challenges
  • Always ensure occupational health and safety
  • ensure environmental protection, energy efficiency and the careful use of natural resources

Tips, tests and information on "Timber construction foreman (BP)"

How well known is the qualification "Timber Construction Foreman / Timber Construction Foreman (BP)" among potential employers?
» Awareness and image
What salary can I expect after completing my training?
» Wage information, wage calculator
What will I learn in the preparatory courses? What can I do as a timber construction foreman (BP)?
» Skills and competencies
What opportunities does the degree open up for me?
» Prospects and further training opportunities
How long does the training take, how does it work and how much does it cost?
» Duration, procedure and costs
Will I be admitted to the course and exam? Will I graduate?
» Self-test timber construction foreman / timber construction foreperson (BP)
What are the advantages of this further training?
» 10 Advantages of timber construction foreman training
What experiences have participants in the timber construction foreman training program had?
» Field report Christian Früh
How can I finance my continuing education? How can I benefit from federal subject funding?
» SERI Federal contributions for continuing education for professional examinations and higher professional examinations
What is required in the job of timber construction foreman? How are the activities divided up?
» Information from job advertisements

Infographic "Timber construction training and further education"

Find the right educational level and qualification immediately with Ausbildung-Weiterbildung.ch!

Do you know your options for training or further education in the field of timber construction? We will show you where you stand in the Swiss education system and what higher levels and qualifications are available.

Download infographic immediately free of charge

Redaktionelle Leitung:

Stefan Schmidlin, Bildungsberatung, Content-Team Modula AG


Website des Schweizerischen Sekretariats für Bildung, Forschung und Innovation SBFI , Website www.berufsberatung.ch (offizielles schweizerisches Informationsportal der Studien-, Berufs- und Laufbahnberatung) sowie Websites und anderweitige Informationen der Berufsverbände und Bildungsanbieter.

Educational counseling online

Erfahrungen, Bewertungen und Meinungen zur Ausbildung / Weiterbildung

Preview of the video «4 Schritte zur richtigen Weiterbildung»
Preview of the video «Holzbau-Vorarbeiter/in - eine Weiterbildung für alle Zimmerleute, die ihren Job lieben»

Haven't found the right training or further education yet? Benefit from educational advice now!

Further training is not only important in order to maintain or increase professional attractiveness, investing in training or further training is still the most efficient way to increase the chances of a pay rise.

The Swiss education system offers a wide range of individual training and further education opportunities - depending on your personal level of education, professional experience and educational goals.

Choosing the right educational offer is not easy for many prospective students.

Which training and further education is the right one for my path?

Our education advisory team will guide you through the "education jungle", providing specific input and relevant background information to help you choose the right offer.

Your advantages:

You will receive

  • Suggestions for suitable courses, seminars or training programs based on the information you provide in the questionnaire
  • An overview of the different levels and types of education
  • Information about the Swiss education system

We offer our educational counseling in the following languages on request: French, Italian, English

Register now and concretize your training plans.