How do I become a movement therapist or dance therapist? What training options and qualifications are there?

Training in dance therapy or movement therapy is modular, takes place over several stages and offers various qualifications:

  • Basic training courses and individual modules in dance and movement therapy generally conclude with the school's own certificate in dance therapy; at the highest level there is a federally recognized diploma.
  • TheBasic trainingare open to you if you are interested - regardless of your previous education and profession. They (alone) do not qualify you for therapeutic work.
  • If you would like to make dance therapy your profession, you will complete an approximately four-yearCoursewhich concludes with the Artecura industry certificate (Artecura = umbrella organization of Swiss professional associations for therapies with artistic media). The schools are free to design their courses as they wish; accordingly, there are various models to choose from.
  • Following the course, after a further 1-2 years of training, you can take the higher professional examination to become aFederal diploma as art therapist method of movement and dance therapythe highest and federally recognized level of training.
  • Depending on the level and training institute, the qualifications entitle the holder to
    • Membership of professional associationssuch as the EADMT (European Association Dance Movement Therapy), MITKUNST (professional association for art therapy) or GPK (professional association for creative psychotherapy and art therapy).
    • Registration in the EMR(register of experience-based medicine of the health insurance funds); recognition by theASCAis in preparation

Dance therapist / movement therapist" courses