Is the course "Naturopath / Naturopath (certified)" suitable for me?

Are you interested in homeopathy, herbal medicine, nutritional science or the art of compresses and poultices? Or are you fascinated by newer alternative medical methods such as bioresonance therapy, kinesiology or Bach flower therapy? Are you looking for a career change into the health sector or are you already working with alternative medical methods and would like to obtain a federally recognized qualification? These are all good reasons for training or further training as a naturopath or alternative practitioner. You can find out more about these courses in our online self-test. For example, what the day-to-day work of a naturopath looks like, what admission requirements apply to the courses, how long the courses take and how they can be financed. You can take the self-test here:

Self-test: Is the Naturopathy course the right course for me?

To the courses offered by "Naturopath / Naturopathic doctor or alternative practitioner"