What can graduates do as a manager/leader after completing a "Management courses / modular management training (cert.)" course?

Leadership courses help people with management responsibilities to develop personally, to promote their employees in the best possible way and to use their skills as a manager/leader accordingly. They learn how to communicate appropriately, deal constructively with conflicts, conduct effective appraisal interviews and promote the satisfaction of their team. As a manager, you will be able to steer group dynamic processes, recognize role patterns and support the motivation of your employees even in difficult times.

What are the prospects and benefits of further training?

Both the company and the graduates and their employees benefit from a professional and effective management culture. Participants in the "Leader/Manager" course examine their own behavior and learn to reflect on themselves. They also meet interesting like-minded people both inside and outside the course and can network with future managers from other companies and sectors.

Those who obtain the Leadership SVF industry certificate also have the opportunity to continue their training to become a management specialist with a federal certificate. This opens up further opportunities, such as further training to obtain a federal diploma as a management expert or studying at a higher technical college for business.

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