What are my career prospects as Head of Facility Management and Maintenance?

Facility management and maintenance managers are generalists. Their holistic understanding of business processes in the areas of cleaning, housekeeping, caretaking, maintenance and repair makes them sought-after specialists with excellent career prospects.

Heads of Facility Management and Maintenance take on operational management tasks in senior management positions in medium-sized and large companies in all sectors and areas such as trade, commerce, industry, production companies, healthcare, services, public administration, real estate, banks, hospitals and care homes or hotels.

The need for facility management and maintenance managers is likely to increase further in the future, as the demand for facility management services as well as for maintenance and repair work is growing.

What further training opportunities do I have with a degree in Facility Management and Maintenance?

As a Head of Facility Management and Maintenance, the Federal PET Diploma enables you to pursue specialist further training or postgraduate courses at universities of applied sciences. You may also have the opportunity to be admitted "sur dossier" to a Bachelor's degree course in Facility Management. Concrete possibilities are e.g:

  • Bachelor's degree FH in Facility Management
  • Certificate of Advanced Studies (CAS) in Facility Management, Maintenance Management, Real Estate Economics, Workplace Management or Life Cycle Management of Real Estate
  • Master of Advanced Studies (MAS) in Facility Management
  • Master of Business Administration (MBA) in Real Estate Management

Courses "Head of Facility Management and Maintenance (HFP)"