Self-test: Are cosmetics really my calling?

Cosmetics go far beyond daily facial care, applying make-up and applying lipstick. Trained beauticians carry out professional skin care and relaxation treatments, remove unwanted hair growth or treat acne. They recognize various skin problems and can treat them. Many women who take care of themselves and apply make-up every day dream of making this their profession and applying their experience to other women. However, it is often forgotten that working full-time as a beautician has many other requirements. For example, attracting a sufficient number of customers, managing the accounts and administration or stocking a range of products for sale.

If you would like to know what other qualities and skills a beautician needs to become really successful in this profession, take our free online vocation test and find out whether you have a vocation for the beauty sector.

Content of the cosmetics and beauty vocation test

If you want to set up your own business as a beautician and build a successful practice, you should have a vocation for cosmetics and beauty. Use our free vocation test to find out what is required of a beautician and whether this corresponds to your vocation:

To the vocation test

To the course offers "Beautician (certified)"