10 Advantages of the "Expert in Accounting and Controlling" qualification

The Expert in Accounting and Controlling course is aimed at qualified accounting professionals and is very practice-oriented.

Summary of the most important advantages of the Advanced Federal Diploma in Accounting and Controlling (HFP):

  1. The courses are consistently part-time and allow you to continue your current job
  2. The course content is geared towards the requirements of the federal final examination for experts in accounting and controlling and enables efficient preparation for the examination
  3. There is a provider in practically every major region
  4. There are different time models with lessons on weekday evenings and/or on full or half Saturdays
  5. The degree is federally recognized and entitles the holder to use the title of Certified Expert in Accounting and Controlling
  6. There are various regular admission options for the federal examination: either with a federal certificate and 5 years of qualified professional experience or with a diploma from a higher technical college and 3 years of qualified professional experience or with a recognized Bachelor's degree and 2 years of qualified professional experience
  7. The federally recognized diploma as an expert in accounting and controlling opens up career opportunities as a member of management, head of group accounting or head of corporate finance and accounting
  8. The Federal PET Diploma gives access to postgraduate and Master's degree courses at universities of applied sciences and universities.
  9. The teachers are proven experts, have a lot of practical experience and can give you individual tips.
  10. Since 1.1.2018, preparatory courses for higher professional examinations have been financially supported by the federal government. Graduates of this course can therefore be reimbursed up to 50% of the course costs paid after passing the professional examination / higher professional examination

Overview of schools "Expert in Accounting and Controlling"