What do I learn in the preparatory courses for the higher professional examination? What can I do as an electrical installation and safety expert with a federal diploma?

The preparatory courses provide you with the specialist knowledge required for the HFP. The course material is divided into four modules (the following is a selection of the topics covered in each module):

  1. Project management IIRealization and analysis of a project/order, preparation of projects/quotations, control of work contracts, organization of project progress, planning of human resources, assessment of current costs, quality control, etc.
  2. Planning and technical processing IIPreparation of quotations and contracts, conducting customer meetings, testing and assessing safety and energy supply systems, preparing energy analyses and sustainable energy concepts, calculating grid connections, ensuring occupational health and safety, etc.
  3. Installation and security expertiseCarrying out measurements, drawing up protocols, checking earthing concepts, supervising and advising installation personnel, drawing up energy analyses and concepts, drawing up safety instructions for high-voltage installations, checking control documents, selling safety services, etc.
  4. Corporate managementPreparation of a needs analysis as well as maintenance and energy concepts, calculation of operating costs, analysis of offers, implementation of strategic planning, etc.

After completing the preparatory course to become an electrical installation and safety expert, you will have business management and leadership skills as well as specific specialist knowledge at expert level.

As an expert in electrical installations in accordance with the Low Voltage Installations Ordinance (NIV), you will advise and serve your customers comprehensively and in line with their needs on issues relating to energy efficiency or sustainability and renewable energies. You can manage an electrical company independently or take on a management position in one.

Provider of training courses for electrical installation and safety experts (formerly electricians)