Experience STUDIUM IN BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION HF - from druggist to supply chain manager

Portrait-Foto Andrea Manser Speck, Betriebswirtschafterin
Andrea Manser-Speck, Supply Chain Manager

Tell us about your career.

My name is Andrea Manser-Speck. Originally trained as a chemist, my further training at the BVS brought me to an international pharmaceutical company. I currently work in supply chain management there. The further training courses I attended were Technical Business Management Assistant BP, which I completed in 2014, and Business Administration HF, which I completed in summer 2019.

Why did you choose the Business Administration HF course?

I chose to study Business Administration HF because I wanted to tackle new challenges and deepen my knowledge of business administration.

Who would you recommend the Business Administration HF course to?

I can recommend the further education course in Business Administration HF to anyone who wants to progress professionally and gain management experience later on. The prerequisite for the degree course in business administration is a basic commercial education, which I was able to obtain through the Federal Certificate in Technical Business Administration.

Portrait-Foto Andrea Manser Speck 2
"I now deal with everyday problems more calmly."

What did you personally gain from training as a business economist?

The benefits of the HF course for my professional life are a networked way of thinking and a better understanding of the market. I can also face everyday problems with a certain calmness and solve them in a structured way. I had the opportunity to talk to very innovative entrepreneurs for my Business Administration HF thesis. I was able to take a lot from these conversations for my professional future.

Why did you choose BVS as your educational institute?

BVS St. Gallen was recommended to me by friends for my further training as a technical business administrator. The high success rate was also a decisive factor in my choice of BVS as a training institute. After my positive experiences from my first course, it quickly became clear to me that I would also complete the Business Administration HF course there.

What did you particularly like about the BVS?

At BVS St. Gallen, I particularly liked the flexibility of the timetable. If necessary, individual subjects could also be taken on another day in one of the other classes. A big plus for me was that the lecturers also worked part-time. This made the business administration HF lessons very practical. I also liked the manageable class sizes. In addition, the students came from very different professional backgrounds, which gave me a lot of new input.

What was the atmosphere like during the Business Administration course?

The atmosphere was generally relaxed and loyal throughout the entire Business Administration HF degree course. The lecturers and other classmates were very motivating for me.

What were your favorite subjects during your training as a business economist HF?

Portrait-Foto Andrea Manser Speck 3
"Studying business administration has definitely paid off
was worth it for me!"

My two favorite subjects during my business administration training were project management and human resources. In project management, we learned a structured approach. We now know how a project is set up, implemented and followed up. Human resources was also a very interesting subject. I can now apply the HR knowledge I learned both professionally and privately.

Where did you encounter any problems during your business administration studies and how did you solve them?

As all students probably know, there are also low points in a degree course. Studying for a degree in Business Administration HF takes energy and is exhausting. You also have to give up one or two things in your private life during this time. You have to work hard, especially towards your diploma thesis. But thanks to a good class spirit, this was not so bad. In the end, I was glad to have done it and it was definitely worth it for me! After all this stressful time, we were proud to receive our diploma at the wonderful graduation ceremony. Now I have more free time again and can pursue other priorities.

Was there a special "aha" moment during your business administration studies?

In my opinion, students who study part-time are very welcome in companies. Because by choosing this form of study, they demonstrate resilience and a high degree of practical relevance. Another good reason for studying business administration.

Overview of HF Business Administration schools