10 advantages of studying for a Bachelor's degree in Business Information Systems FH

The Bachelor's degree in Business Information Systems can be completed full-time, part-time or as a distance learning course and gives you access to a specialist management position in business and administration.

Summary of the most important advantages of the Bachelor's degree programs FH in Business Information Systems:

  1. There are study models for all needs: Full-time for those in a hurry, part-time or part-time with free time management or distance learning for maximum time independence.
  2. The Bachelor's degree is worth 180 ECTS credits and is recognized both federally and internationally.
  3. There are universities of applied sciences in all regions of German-speaking Switzerland that offer a Bachelor's degree in Business Informatics.
  4. In addition to studying while working, it is possible to work slightly less, which reduces the loss of salary.
  5. There are schools that offer a study start twice a year (spring and fall) or even 6 times a year (Jan / Feb / April / July / Sept / Nov).
  6. Some of the project, semester and bachelor's theses can deal with topics from your own practice.
  7. Some schools offer a guest semester at a university abroad.
  8. The Bachelor's degree enables students to go on to study for a Master's degree at a university of applied sciences or university, as well as postgraduate MAS courses in various subjects.
  9. The degree course in Business Informatics contains a very high proportion (up to 45%) of electives, which you can use to develop your own individual skills profile.
  10. Some schools offer preparatory online courses for those without programming knowledge.

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