Self-test: Is make-up artist really my vocation?

Many women can do their own make-up and some would be confident enough to lend a friend a hand from time to time. And so there are also some who would like to continue their education in order to professionally beautify or skillfully change other faces. After all, make-up artists not only give models or film stars the perfect look for their appearance, they also show their customers little tricks to make their faces look more even, more business-like or more striking, depending on their wishes. However, many people who are interested in training to become a make-up artist, for example, forget that many other skills are required to successfully run a studio and that make-up artists also have to deal intensively with health issues or fashion styles, for example. If you would like to know what else is required of make-up artists, take our free online job test and find out what your chances would be.

Content of the cosmetics and beauty vocation test

If you want to set up your own business as a make-up artist and build a successful practice, you should have a vocation for cosmetics and beauty. Use our free vocation test to find out what is required of a make-up artist and whether this corresponds to your vocation:

To the vocation test

To the course offerings "Make-up artist make-up artist (certified)"