Animal communication: Experience report by participant Karin Späni - I learned many shamanic elements that I can use for animals as well as for myself

Portrait-Foto Karin Späni
Karin Späni

Please tell us about your career.

My name is Karin Späni. I am actually a qualified medical laboratory technician. Unfortunately, I had to give up this profession due to an allergy. I then trained as a customs expert and have now been working in this profession for 20 years. I know Sandra Carrara - the owner of Tiergeflüster - from my previous work in a laboratory. I attended my first animal communication training course with her about four years ago. I only got into animal communication after a specific taster course.

Which courses were completed at the Tiergeflüster school?

The first course I attended at the Tiergeflüster school was BARF - Organic Meat Feeding for Dogs and Cats. That was about four years ago. This was followed by a taster course in animal communication. After that I did further training in Körbler and Geolen therapy. This spring I started training as an animal communicator expert. In other words, the complete animal communication training course.

Hündin der Tiergeflüster-Schule

Why take the animal communication course?

I chose the animal communication course because it also contains many aspects for myself. You get to know yourself better.

Why did you decide to train at Tiergeflüster?

The structure of Tiergeflüster also contains many shamanic ingredients that can be used for animals as well as for yourself: Bach flowers or healing stones. These are all simple things that not only have to do with animal communication itself, but also actively help me in other ways.

How does animal communication training support your professional activity or your life?

Through the many self-awareness sequences during the animal communication training, I got to know myself much better. My goal is to work partly independently as an animal communicator. I am already setting up my own homepage and acquiring clients. I tell interested people about my work and explain it to them. I do this with the aim of obtaining future orders. This is how I am slowly building up a part-time activity in animal communication.

Klasse der Tierkommunikation-Ausbildung

What was your motivation for choosing training in animal communication?

My path to animal communication led me through preliminary courses at Tiergeflüster and the taster weekend. After this introduction, I thought to myself: I can do this. I want to help animals and their owners with animal communication. Often it is not the animal that is the main problem, but the owner's view of the animal. As I had a medical education, but now only work in an office, I was also missing something in this direction. I had also done other training courses that focused more on people, but then I realized that I would rather do something for animals. I also have two rather special cats of my own. And a key experience for me was when a cat fell off the terrace and could no longer be found. I asked Sandra Carrara for help. She did an animal communication and told me where to look for the cat. And the cat was in exactly the same place - not on the street, but in the underground parking garage below. But the direction was exactly right. That's when I realized there was more to animal communication. That's what I want to learn.

Can the theoretical knowledge be put into practice?

As the training in animal communication not only includes theory, but also a lot of practice, it is easy to put this into practice. We repeatedly had case studies of animals from Sandra Carrara or from friends with whom we had actively communicated. You don't need a theoretical approach to animal communication to be able to implement this successfully. It is really more the practice and immediate application that is fundamental.

Lernen in der Weiterbildung Tierkommunikation

What learning content has been particularly helpful for animal communication?

We also work with colors and drew our own soul picture in the animal communication course. This showed me my own blockages and I learned what I should pay more attention to in myself. As a result, the animal communication training was also very important and valuable for me. Thanks to the insights I gained, I can consciously bring about a change at these points and thus an improvement for myself.

Is there a specific project, a success that was achieved thanks to what you learned?

At the beginning, I didn't think that animal communication was possible for me. I saw myself as too analytical and rational. I was actually convinced I would never be able to do it. But when I started the training and my first animal descriptions were accurate, it was a real sense of achievement for me. I wondered whether animal communication was really that easy. At first I had doubts as to whether it was really what I was seeing and feeling. Was it really coming from the animal or from myself? Positive feedback from the animal owners increased my own self-confidence and trust in my ability as an animal communicator.

Maltherapie für Tierkommunikation

How much time did you spend on preparation and follow-up work in addition to lessons?

It is simply a matter of reading the theory and trying as many communications as possible. This allows you to familiarize yourself with the procedure and gain experience in animal communication. I have asked many people if I can communicate with their animals. I then describe the character of the animals and the owners give me feedback on how well I have met their nature. Practice is the most important thing in animal communication. You have to learn to find your own calm and gain confidence in your own abilities.

What was your favorite part of the animal communication course?

I am someone who loves to learn new things. It was exciting for me to hear how it works and how it works. To learn that animal communication is not like communication between humans. There are no classic questions and answers or conversations. Learning this different way of communicating was very enriching for me. Animals communicate with me via images. During animal communication, the animal shows me what it is seeing or what its situation is like at the moment. As if I could see through the animal. Animals communicate with me by showing me images and processes. I find that extremely exciting in animal communication.

Pause während Tierkommunikation-Ausbildung

When did you like it the least in class?

Sometimes constellations were frightening and surprising for me. When you see how a person takes on a different role - with whom you were still talking normally beforehand. And this is only because he has been told that you are now this animal, his soul or death. The whole interaction of the person, who changes completely as a result, was sometimes frightening for me. But also exciting.

Who would you recommend an animal communication course to?

I would recommend the animal communication course to people who are interested in learning how to communicate with animals. In my opinion, there is no criterion for or against it. You have to have the will to do it. Want to experience this type of communication. Want to learn something new - in a new way. If you are unsure, I would definitely recommend the animal communication taster course at Tiergeflüster. That way you can find out for yourself whether you are suitable for it and whether you want to do it.

Who would you not recommend animal communication to?

Someone who thinks that you can just sit down and talk to the animals in the same way as a human. Unfortunately, this will not work with animal communication. I cannot recommend the animal communication course to people who do not want to take the plunge into other forms of communication. You have to be able to engage in communication on a visual or emotional level.

Unterricht für Tierkommunikation-Ausbildung

Was there a special "aha" moment during the animal communication course?

My biggest "aha" moment during my training in animal communication was: I can do it. I can actually communicate with an animal. Something I previously thought I would never be able to do. I thought I wouldn't be able to get involved. And yet: animal communication works for me too. Because I wanted it and let it come to me.

What was the atmosphere like during the training in animal communication?

We laugh a lot in the animal communication course. It's usually really funny. But there are also reflective moments and there is always room to discuss other things that are currently on our minds. There is always something going on during the animal communication course.

How did you find the lessons and working together?

We have a WhatsApp chat in our group about animal communication training, which we use to exchange information on a regular basis. You can also ask questions there. If someone is stuck with an animal, they can get help that way. It's simply a casual connection. The participants in the animal communication course come from very different regions. This made additional face-to-face meetings difficult. Regular communication works well via the chat.

Gruppenarbeit Aufstellung in der Tierkommunikation-Ausbildung

What did you like best about Tiergeflüster?

The whole mood and atmosphere at Tiergeflüster is great. But it's not over the top either. Sandra Carrara has kept her feet on the ground. As a medical laboratory technician, she also has a medical background. The animal communication course is always about working together. You interact with each other. If you don't agree, you discuss it calmly. I didn't experience any arguments or frustration during the animal communication course. I simply like it at Tiergeflüster.

What do you particularly like about Sandra Carrara as a trainer or person?

I already know Sandra from when we worked together as lab assistants. She is an upbeat person who is curious and interested. She presents the material in a good way that makes it easy for me to learn about animal communication. It is not a lecture, but an offer that I can accept. She is very down to earth. Topics such as animal communication or healing stones often seem esoteric. But Sandra is not floating on a cloud. She's in life, she's aware of life around her and has remained a realist.

Overview of providers of training in animal communication