Training in animal communication: Experience report by participant Bianca Quandt-Feierabend - from intellectual to intuitive animal communicator

Please tell us about your career to date and your current position.

Portrait-Foto Bianca Quandt-Feierabend
Bianca Quandt-Feierabend

My name is Bianca Quandt-Feierabend. I am married and have three children. I am originally a primary school teacher and came to Switzerland from Germany 20 years ago. Today I work as a teacher of German as a foreign language in adult education. I am currently also doing animal communication professionally.

How did you get into animal communication?

I came to animal communication through my dog, who had shown a few behavioral problems. After my initial successes, I was keen to do some in-depth training in this area.

Why did you choose Dolittle as your educational institute?

Dolittle was not my first stop. After several dog trainers and vets, my dog and I ended up with an animal communicator. In animal communication, it is important to have a good chemistry with the animal communicator. After a few attempts with different communicators, I immediately felt comfortable with Tanja Bärtschiger. That's why I stuck with Dolittle and also started my own training there.

Tierkommunikation Ausbildung

What kind of behavioral problems did your dog have?

Originally she was very insecure. She had a difficult past with bad behavior and was unable to shed this baggage of experience at the beginning. This was particularly evident when she was on the lead with other dogs. She barked at them, seemed aggressive and scared people off. This bothered me so much that I wanted to change this. This brought me to animal communication.

Could your dog be helped with animal communication?

The animal communication has helped in that I now perceive and see my dog differently. I now understand what is behind it. What I initially misunderstood as aggression, I now know better. She is saying that you should stay away from her because she can't communicate with the other dog as she is on the lead. This mutual understanding alone has already led to a different bond between my dog and me. She still does it, but I deal with it differently. Animal communication usually brings about a change in the owner - not in the animal itself. However, the second cannot be ruled out either.

What did you learn from the animal communication course that helped you?

For me, these were always matters of the heart that I liked better - in other words, all things that had to do with animals and less with people. These topics were particularly important to me and also helped me progress in animal communication. The mediumistic work with animals brought me to animal communication and still gives me the greatest pleasure today. Today, I find sensing physical complaints and dealing with past lives totally fascinating.

Tierkommunikation durchführen

What were your personal challenges?

The biggest challenge in training to become an animal communicator is dealing with myself and my self-doubt. I used to be a very intellectual person with an academic approach. It was difficult for me to believe in something that could not be measured or proven. So even after I learned that animal communication really works, I still had self-doubts about whether it would work for me. It did me good to feel that other people in the group also had these doubts. The results then inevitably disprove these doubts. When the owners confirm that the animal's behavior, character, food, sleeping place and other details were exactly right. I still get goosebumps today when I think back to how often this is simply true.

Is there a specific key experience during the animal communication training?

My key experience during the animal communication training was the change in perception through practicing. I suddenly no longer just received information, images or smells, but heard the voices of the animals. At that moment, it became real for me. I was able to talk to the animal in my head and perceived different voices - fine high-pitched voices, but also deep voices. This is so fascinating for me that I wouldn't want to do without it.

Tierkommunikation Kurs

How has animal communication changed your life?

Contrary to my original idea, I decided to make animal communication my profession. The reason for this is that I would otherwise miss out on communicating with animals. In everyday life, you don't always have the opportunity to do this. In order to communicate with animals, you need the owner's consent. At some point, you're through with your circle of friends and know these animals very well over time. Then it becomes a little more difficult. The only way to continue to have contact with animals at this level is to do it professionally. This enriches my life immensely. Sometimes I also get wisdom from animals. For me, animals are the best psychologists.

What did you like best about the lessons?

In the animal communication lessons, I always liked the practical sequences best. We provided each other with practice animals. That was exactly what I wanted to practise and learn in the course. To really see how it works in practice. You can also learn the theory of animal communication yourself, we always prepared this on the course. Questions or ambiguities were then addressed again. But the focus was clearly on the practical work. That was always very important to me.

Tierkommunikation lernen

What was the atmosphere like during the course?

Beforehand, I had some concerns about whether we would fit together and get on well. But we very quickly found a common ground that automatically connects us. It's our love of animals. And also the sensitive mediumship - the ability to grasp something that is beyond the normal spectrum of perception - that connects us. The animal communication training group has grown very close together. On such a course, you open your heart and show different sides of yourself - including the darker sides. There is inevitably a closeness that will last beyond the course. We always had fun and a good time. Even when it came to serious topics during the animal communication training, it was probably discussed on a serious level, but the next moment it was relaxed and cheerful again.

How do you experience Tanja during the apprenticeship?

I came to Tanja as an animal communication client and there was an immediate connection. It even turned into a friendship. It was clear that the connection would continue. I go to her for advice - whether for my dog or for life issues. In the future, of course, I will also ask her about professional issues. Tanja really stands by the participants of the animal communication course.

What did the training do for you personally?

This kind of training changes your life. I have gone from being a rational person who questions everything to an intuitive person who allows and accepts things for which I have no explanation. I now know quite simply: that's just the way it is. And this is thanks to further training in animal communication.

Can you recommend Dolittle?

Dolittle is a place where you go and simply feel at home. These are the premises with a cozy seminar room - not a huge training room. It's homely. But then it's also Tanja as a person. She is Dolittle. She is warm and always present. You can confront her with animal communication questions at any time. She also reacts flexibly to current problems with pets and incorporates this into the lessons. The warmth, openness and being there for each other is what makes Dolittle special for me. My middle daughter also learned animal communication in private lessons at the age of 11. Children in particular have a sensitive sense automatically and you forget that in adulthood.

Overview of providers of training in animal communication