Is the Computer Scientist HF course (with a focus on ICT systems engineering and network technology) right for me?

Would you like to continue your education in the field of ICT or systems and network technology? Do you think that the HF IT technician course with a focus on ICT system and network technology could be just right for you?

Take our free and non-binding self-test now and find out!

Once you have completed the self-test, you will be familiar with the day-to-day work of a computer scientist HF with a focus on systems engineering and network technology, know the target groups, admission requirements and course content, and know what title you will receive on successful completion of the course.

The information will help you to find out whether the continuing education program meets your needs and is the right one for you.

Click here for the self-test

Are you already convinced that further training is right for you? Then go straight to the courses on offer in your region:

Higher technical colleges with courses in ICT systems technology and ICT network technology