What career prospects do I have with further training as a stress coach?

The coaching sector is flourishing. In these fast-moving times of being constantly available, in which many people complain about being stressed as a permanent condition, training to become a stress coach is in high demand.

With stress coaching training, you can work in a consulting firm specializing in coaching or start your own business. With a certificate from the school, this is possible without any additional hurdles.

In a booming sector, competition is fierce. In order to optimally position yourself against the competition as a stress coach, there are various further training options available to you at different levels.

Courses with school certificates as a stress coach

A stress coach usually uses one or more relaxation techniques in their work. There is a wide range of courses and further training on offer:

If you would like to continue your training in the field of coaching, the following specializations are available, for example

  • Life Coach
  • Crisis & Care Coach


Furthermore, there are currently (as of spring 2021) two CASs on coaching and resilience training to choose from.

Coaching courses with a federally recognized qualification

If you would like to continue your training in coaching at a federally recognized level, you have the following options:

The admission requirements can vary greatly depending on the provider. It is best to contact the provider of your choice. It may also be possible to be admitted "sur dossier", i.e. on the basis of an individual assessment of your background.

Provider of stress coaching/stress coach training