Who offers career assessment for adults and how do I find the provider that suits me?

You can find a selection of public and private providers of location assessments on our website.

Check with the individual providers to see whether you can get exactly what you want from them:

  • Do you only want a career assessment for adults without further career advice? Then don't let inflexible offers persuade you to do more than you want.
  • Are you open to further advice after the assessment? Then make sure that the provider is also open to this. It makes sense to continue with the same advisor after the career assessment for adults. This is because you can now benefit from the fact that you have already got to know each other and built up trust.

Speaking of trust: During an assessment, you will look at your life to date, your private situation, your educational and professional career and other very personal issues and disclose these to the counselor. Only do this in an institution and with a person you trust. Therefore, during the initial consultation, make sure that the person you are talking to seems competent and serious and that you really feel comfortable with him or her.

To the providers Vocational assessment for adults