Social Media Management: How do I find the training that suits me?

To train in social media management, you can attend a course leading to a certificate. However, there are also courses in online marketing in which you also deal with the entire overarching area, as well as combined courses such as social media management / event management / sponsoring. You should therefore first consider whether an extended or combined course is suitable for you.

The second related consideration is how thoroughly you want to get to grips with social media, how much time your training should take and how much it should cost. Perhaps a short training course will suffice as an introduction to the topic. Here you can break down initial barriers and then acquire the knowledge you need "on the job", in short seminars and through online research. In the fast-moving field of social media management, you have to constantly keep yourself informed anyway.

If several courses are offered within a similar framework and are geographically suitable for you, you should compare the course content in detail. When choosing a course, always check the admission requirements of each provider.

Provider of "Social Media (Cert.)" courses