What career prospects do I have with further training as a public relations specialist with a federal certificate?

With a federal PR specialist certificate, you will usually work in PR agencies or in the communications departments of institutions, companies, authorities or non-profit organizations (NGOs).

As an operational communications all-rounder in all aspects of public relations, you are in high demand on the job market. Particularly in the digital age, where information sovereignty no longer lies exclusively with the company itself thanks to social media, a clean image and a good relationship with the relevant target and contact groups is particularly important for successful business. As a public relations specialist, you are in charge of PR strategies, concepts, tools and measures. Among other things, you will be responsible for developing and monitoring compliance with corporate identity, corporate wording and corporate behavior guidelines. You will also write and edit media releases, customer information and articles for digital channels in compliance with internal and industry-specific communication guidelines.

The federal certificate gives you access to further training, such as:

Higher professional examination (HFP):

  • "PR Consultant (HFP)" with federal diploma

University of Applied Sciences (FH):

You can also attend various courses at private technical colleges, higher technical colleges (HF) or universities of applied sciences (FH).

Provider of PR specialist training courses