What are my career prospects as a physiotherapist?

Physiotherapists FH work in hospitals, rehabilitation clinics, outpatient practices, retirement and nursing homes, sports clubs or in their own practice. With some professional experience, they can take on a team or department management role and supervise trainees.

What further training opportunities do I have with a Bachelor FH in Physiotherapy?

With a Bachelor's degree from a university of applied sciences, it is possible to pursue further training and specialization in specific subjects as well as further courses of study, such as a Master's degree or a postgraduate degree. Examples:

  • Master's program leading to a Master of Science MSc in Physiotherapy
  • Master of Advanced Studies MAS in Physiotherapeutic Rehabilitation
  • Master of Advanced Studies MAS in Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy
  • Master of Advanced Studies MAS Management in Physiotherapy

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