What will I learn on the "Physiotherapy Bachelor (FH)" course? What can I do afterwards?

Theoretical teaching covers the basic medical subjects of anatomy, physiology, pathology, orthopaedics, neurology and traumatology.

In the practical exercises and internships you will learn, for example

  • Opening the conversation with a new patient
  • take the medical history
  • apply theoretical anatomical knowledge in practice during palpation (palpation)
  • determine physiotherapeutic interventions for the treatment and plan the entire treatment process
  • select suitable training elements and instruct patients in them
  • to advise patients professionally
  • to discuss further goals with patients and other parties involved
  • organizing your own time and workload sensibly

Skills and competencies Physiotherapy Bachelor FH

During your studies and internships, you will acquire the diagnostic and therapeutic skills that will enable you to quickly identify the main problems of your clients and how they can be dealt with efficiently. You will be able to establish a constructive therapeutic relationship and know how to communicate clearly and comprehensibly. You will be able to carry out the planned therapy, instruct patients and adjust the course of treatment if necessary. In collaboration with other professionals and agencies, you will reliably exchange the relevant information to support optimal patient care. As a member of a team, you can find your role, make your contribution to team development and help to make optimum use of the available resources.

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