What is outplacement? What do outplacement consultants do?
What is your professional activity like?


Outplacement is a service provided by companies for employees whose jobs have been terminated. In outplacement, the departing employees are supported in their search for a new job opportunity. Companies hire internal or external outplacement consultants for outplacement.

Instead of "outplacement", the often more positively perceived term "newplacement" is also used.

Outplacement consulting and coaching

Outplacement consulting or coaching is a sub-area of coaching. Outplacement consultants are therefore coaches with a specialization. In general, coaches accompany people (so-called coachees) in various life situations on their path. They provide them with support and advice. In outplacement, coachees are employees who have been made redundant and are looking for a new job.

Outplacement consultants coach them in individual or group sessions through the entire outplacement process: from dismissal, location assessment, application strategy and job search to job interviews, contract negotiations, probationary period and permanent employment.

Outplacement counselors offer those affected emotional support and professional guidance in their professional reorientation.

Outplacement consultants work as specialists in the HR department or in a consulting or coaching firm specializing in outplacement. They can also become self-employed.

Provider of training in outplacement counseling and coaching