10 advantages of the qualification "Naturopath / Naturopathic Doctor or Naturopathic Practitioner"

With training in naturopathy or naturopathic medicine, you can work independently in the field of alternative or complementary medicine.

Summary of the most important advantages of the naturopathy courses:

  1. Various schools offer courses in the field of naturopathy and naturopathic methods, thus covering different training needs
  2. No previous medical knowledge is required to start a course as a naturopath / alternative practitioner
  3. The training can be supplemented with basic knowledge of conventional medicine and extended to a federally recognized diploma as a "naturopath (HFP)"
  4. There are schools in many areas, so you can find a suitable course provider within easy reach
  5. There are various time models such as full-time training, part-time courses or lessons in course blocks lasting several days.
  6. Since 1.1.2018, preparatory courses for federal higher professional examinations have been financially supported by the federal government. Anyone who continues their training up to the federal diploma as a naturopath can therefore receive up to 50% of the course fees back after passing the higher specialist examination.
  7. Under certain conditions, registration in the EMR register of health insurance companies is possible, which means that the treatment costs can be billed to some health insurance companies via supplementary insurance.
  8. People with medical or paramedical training are exempt from some modules, which significantly shortens the training period.
  9. The module qualifications for obtaining the industry certificate and for the federal examination are standardized so that it is possible to change schools
  10. Training to become a naturopath can be expanded and enriched by further training in other complementary medical methods

Overview of schools "Naturopath / alternative practitioner"