Training as a logistics assistant: Experience report by school director Rolf Schmalz - Building knowledge in business administration as a logistics specialist with SSC certificate

Portrait-Foto Rolf Schmalz
Rolf Schmalz

Who are you and what does your career look like?

My name is Rolf Schmalz. I am the managing director and owner of Art of Formation Weiterbildung WBA. We offer the Logistics Specialist course with SSC certificate. This is a preliminary course so that you can later add on and complete the logistics specialist with a federal certificate.

Who is the target group for the Logistics Assistant training course with the Logistics Specialist with SSC certificate?

The target group for the logistics assistant training with the logistics specialist with SSC certificate course is young people who are already working in the logistics sector. This is because the training requires an EFZ and two years of professional experience in logistics in order to be able to obtain the federal certificate. This allows you to specialize in a particular field in the logistics sector.

Ausbildung Logistikassistent SSC Zertifikat

What is the content of the Logistics Specialist training with SSC certificate?

The content of the logistics specialist training course with SSC certificate (at logistics assistant level) focuses in particular on business management skills. This is a basic requirement of the professional association so that you can then specialize further in logistics with a federal certificate.

Logistik Assistent Weiterbildung

How long does this logistics (assistant) training take and how much does it cost?

The logistics (assistant) training as a logistician SSC course lasts one semester and costs around CHF 3,000. If you are aiming for the complete training for the federal certificate, you will have to reckon with two semesters and CHF 7,000 (excl. federal examination fees). However, 50% of the course costs are then subsidized by the federal government and reimbursed after taking the federal examination.

Logistikassistent Ausbildung SSC Zertifikat

How is the Logistics Certificate SSC course completed?

After one semester, the SSC logistics certificate is completed in six module examinations of 60 minutes each. This includes the basic SSC modules:

  • Self-management and leadership
  • Project management
  • Supply Chain Management
  • Quality management
  • Finance and accounting
  • Economics
Logistik Sachbearbeiter Weiterbildung

Why should you choose WBA for your logistics (assistant) training?

The WBA continuing education program is a very good partner for your logistics (assistant) training. Before the semester exams and the federal diploma, we offer an exam simulation to prepare participants to pass the exam successfully. This also applies to the logistics specialist with SSC certificate.


Overview Provider Logistics Assistant - Logistics Clerk - Logistics Clerk