Solution-oriented coaching training: Experience report by participants Simone Zahno and Leona Fluri - met at the training course and founded a coaching practice together

Portrait-Foto Markus Broder
Leona Fluri and Simone Zahno

Please tell us about your professional career to date.

My name is Simone Zahno. I first trained as a banker and then completed the SVEB certificate as an adult educator. I then attended the performance-oriented coaching training at DEINSEMINAR. I then went on to train as a qualified neuro- and biofeedback therapist. Today I work part-time for the canton of Solothurn and also as a neuro- and feedback therapist.

My name is Leona Fluri, I am 44 years old, married and have three daughters. I'm originally from Germany, but I've been in Switzerland for 17 years now. I first worked as a bank clerk and later studied social work and social education in Berlin. As a qualified social pedagogue, I worked in the field of drug and AIDS support. When I became a mother, I took a career break. After returning to work, I worked as a social pedagogue for a special school. While looking for further training that would enrich my everyday working life, I came across the training for solution-oriented coaching.

What training did you complete at DEINSEMINAR?

Simone:We met at a training course at DEINSEMINAR. We both attended the solution-oriented coaching diploma course there.

Leona:Together we have since founded the coaching practice BSC Beratung GmbH in Solothurn.

Why did you choose the Solution-oriented Coaching with Diploma course?

Simone:I decided to do the solution-oriented coaching course because I wanted to develop both personally and professionally. I had been considering the idea of a coaching course for some time beforehand.

Leona:I chose the solution-oriented coaching course at DEINSEMINAR because of the group size of max. 10 people. The content also convinced me in advance due to the comprehensive knowledge that is imparted over 9 months on the DEINSEMINAR course.

Lösungsorientiertes Coaching Ausbildung bei DEINSEMINAR

Why did you choose DEINSEMINAR for your coach training?

Simone:I was on the DEINSEMINAR homepage. I had a positive impression of it. I could identify with the course content and it corresponded to the scope I was looking for and took my desired aspects into account. I then attended the information event for the solution-oriented coaching course. The lecturer, Ursula Rolli, was very personable and seemed competent right from the start. I immediately felt very comfortable, which made it easy for me to decide in favor of DEINSEMINAR.

Leona:I particularly liked the refreshing manner of Ursula Rolli as our lecturer on the solution-oriented coaching course and the small size of the class at DEINSEMINAR.

How does the course support your current professional activity as a solution-oriented coach?

Leona:I emerged from the solution-oriented coaching training as a new, different person. Professionally, what I have learned supports me in my solution-oriented approach and I follow up on questions. I find non-violent communication very important in life and at work when working with children. I reflect on myself more today. I no longer fall into the mechanism of reacting, but act consciously.

Simone:I have noticed that I have developed personally as a result of the solution-oriented coaching training. In both professional and private conversations, I now approach the other person differently. I now also know that not everyone works in the same way. These insights have really helped me personally.

Lösungsorientierter Coach Ausbildung bei DEINSEMINAR

What did you like best about the solution-oriented coaching course?

Leona:What I liked best was learning about personality typology in the solution-oriented coaching course. Even though I'm not usually one for pigeonholing people, this helped me. It helped me to recognize who ticks how and how I tick, which I found very interesting.

Simone:Yes, I agree with that. People have different characters and you should therefore respond differently to each conversation and the person you are talking to. I wasn't really aware of this before the solution-oriented coaching course.

Leona:I also learned a solution-oriented approach. Not having long discussions about problems, but looking ahead. As Ursula always said, "Turn your head away from the problem towards the solution.". I now work as an independent solution-oriented coach at BSC Beratung. Our group during the solution-oriented coaching training was fantastic.

What challenges did you face in your training to become a solution-oriented coach?

Leona:The biggest challenge for me during the solution-oriented coaching training was not to give any advice. As a coach, you never give advice. And once you understand why this is the case, you understand it too. By giving advice, you prevent the coach from getting into their process. But this was a challenge for everyone to learn at the beginning. But now I have learned to hold back my advice. Especially through the knowledge of my somewhat impatient nature, which I have been dealing with more consciously since the solution-oriented coaching course.

Simone:My challenge was to stay on the ball. As the training days during the solution-oriented coaching course were only repeated every month, it was important for me to stay on top of the subject matter, read literature and gain experience in the meantime. I was able to do this through coaching discussions with my family and colleagues. And of course, the final exam was a bit of a challenge for everyone and the adjustment was huge. But everything went well.

How has your personal market value increased as a result of the coaching training?

Leona:Dealing well with others is certainly one of life's tasks. DEINSEMINAR has certainly brought me a long way towards my goal of mastering this life task well with the training in solution-oriented coaching.

Simone:DEINSEMINAR gave us good materials to start our own business. That was also the point that showed us that we could now get started.

How has your satisfaction increased after training to become a coach?

Leona:The solution-oriented coaching course has made me happier.

Simone:Yes, I think so too - both of us.

Lösungsorientiertes Coaching Seminar

What did you particularly like about the solution-oriented coaching course?

Leona:For me, this was the bridge between theory and practice on the solution-oriented coaching course. Just do it and try it out. Breaking out of my comfort zone. Noticing how others react to my questions. What do I do with them and where do I go from here? Training my restraint as a coach, as I am "only" the process facilitator and the content comes 100% from the coach.

Simone:Typology was certainly the most important thing for me in the solution-oriented coaching course. It was the first time I had heard that different types of people exist. A lot of things became clearer to me afterwards. For example, different reactions from others to a situation to which I would react completely differently. Now I can deal with such different reactions much better.

What did you personally gain from the coaching course?

Leona:We were also coached ourselves as part of the solution-oriented coaching course. Being coached myself brought me a lot of insights.

Simone:Yes, me too. To better understand this and the individual personality typologies.

What was your favorite part of the coaching course at DEINSEMINAR?

Leona:Whenever the solution-oriented coaching training was very entertaining. Then all the participants were fully engaged. We were all pursuing the same goal. We wanted to become coaches. Everyone was highly motivated and open and appreciative of each other. Then the lessons went by quickly and at the end you wondered where the day had gone. The course was packed with great content. So very interesting.

Simone:The combination of theory and practice in particular made the solution-oriented coaching training very entertaining. This made the training days very balanced and interesting. Our dynamic team worked well together and in exchange with Ursula Rolli. This was a lot of fun and friendships or even business partnerships developed, as with me and Leona.

Gemeinsame Coaching-Praxis nach Ausbildung gegründet

Who would you recommend the solution-oriented coaching course to?

Leona:Basically, I would recommend the solution-oriented coaching course to anyone who is willing to reflect on themselves personally and develop further. Anyone who is open and brings in their own issues. In my opinion, a certain degree of openness and a contribution from each participant is essential in this training course.

Simone:I can confirm and answer this as well. A certain amount of empathy must certainly be present for solution-oriented coaching and also a certain understanding of other people. The courage to work on yourself too.

Did you have a special "aha" moment during your coaching training?

Leona:Simone, do you remember the exercise with the chair?

Simone:Yes, I can still remember that very well (laughs). Yes, it was really particularly good.

Leona:The exercise during the solution-oriented coaching course was impressive, wasn't it? There were four of us and one of the group was allowed to sit on a chair. The others were allowed to compliment the person in the chair. It was about self-image and external image.

Simone:Yes, the exercise for solution-oriented coaching was really very interesting. There are people who don't like to hear compliments about themselves. But it's still good to sit in the chair and hear positive things about yourself from everywhere. That really was a moment that I will probably remember forever. It really did me good.

How was the atmosphere in your class at DEINSEMINAR?

Simone:The atmosphere in our class was really great. Right from the start, we all had a lot of fun with the solution-oriented coaching training and with each other. At the end, we were sad that we wouldn't be seeing each other so regularly in the future. We had a great group that really grew together well.

Leona:Everyone was open. Everyone was appreciative. We still meet from time to time. The group from the solution-oriented coaching course still exists. And we look forward to each other and the mutual exchange. We all look back fondly on what we achieved together. Ursula Rolli was actually the icing on the cake of the whole thing, because she really brought a great atmosphere to the group. As a person, she is authentic and genuine.

Weiterbildung lösungsorientiertes Coaching

What did you like best about the educational institute DEINSEMINAR and the location?

Leona:For me, the DEINSEMINAR school was very conveniently located for the solution-oriented coaching course. I was there quickly by car. I took the freeway exit and was there in no time. There was free parking. The premises were very nice and really tiptop.

Simone:Catering was certainly always an issue during the solution-oriented coaching training. When you're together in a group, you like to eat something together over lunch. We had a lot of options around the location and always had a great meal in different restaurants. I personally thought this aspect was great.

What exactly does your collaboration at BSC Beratung GmbH look like?

Simone:With this coaching practice, we offer coaching as well as neuro- and bio-feedback as a combined package. This combination is unique in the Solothurn region. These two activities flow directly into each other. Neuro-feedback is a form of therapy in which brain waves are regulated by attaching electrodes. The measurements provide the client with feedback on their body's reaction to negative memories or stressful situations. Bio-feedback provides the client with a long-term guided ability to control themselves and thus strengthen their self-competence, which they can apply to stressful situations in everyday life. This can reduce or even eliminate stress, anxiety, ADHD and other deficits.

Leona:Feedback methods often reveal issues that cannot be dealt with using these methods. I then offer solution-oriented support in the form of coaching for precisely these issues. As a result, there is a close collaboration between Simone and myself and my offer of solution-oriented coaching. I will soon be training as a resilience and stress coach. We will then specialize in this area - both in terms of coaching and feedback. The aim is to offer seminars in this area at a later date. We already offer Multicheck preparation courses.

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