What can graduates do after completing the "Leadership (Cert.)" course?

The SVF Certificate in Leadership course teaches the skills required to take on a position as a team or group leader. Future leaders learn to lead themselves, to plan and organize their own work and that of their employees and to create the conditions for a constructive atmosphere in their team. They will be able to communicate appropriately, deal professionally with conflicts and tensions and master difficult situations.

What are the prospects and benefits of further training?

The Leadership SVF course can lead to a federal certificate as a "Management Specialist". In addition to the leadership expertise they acquire, graduates can also benefit a great deal personally from the course. They examine their own behavior, habits and patterns and learn to reflect on themselves. They also get to know many "like-minded" people from other companies and sectors and have the opportunity to build up a broad network. These contacts are not only personally enriching, but can also be very valuable in situations such as later job searches.

With the federal certificate, you can then go on to study for a federal diploma as a management expert. Or if you would like to continue your education in a more generalist way, a part-time course at a university of applied sciences could be another option. For example, as a certified business economist HF.

To the school overview "Leadership (cert.)"