Leadership training at SVF: Experience and tips from Head of School Rolf Schmalz - offers the perfect introduction to a management position

Portrait-Foto Rolf Schmalz
Rolf Schmalz

Who are you and what do you do for a living?

My name is Rolf Schmalz and I'm from Winterthur. I run the school Weiterbildung WBA. We offer adult education in business administration with online teaching. Our core competence is "We educate" - WBA for short. As managing director and owner of WBA, I have been teaching myself for 27 years. For me, "leading by demonstration" is one of the most important credos.

Leadership Weiterbildung

Who is the Leadership SVF course suitable for?

The Leadership SVF course is suitable for young people who want to take on a management role and lead people.

Are there specific admission requirements?

The admission requirements for the Leadership SVF course are two years of general professional experience. It is irrelevant which sector this experience comes from and what basic training you have, as leadership can be learned and applied in any sector.

Leadership Ausbildung

What do you learn in the Leadership SVF?

Leadership SVF is about learning how to deal with people and difficult leadership situations. Accordingly, a baseline is needed that can be interpreted and later applied in the area of leadership.

Ausbildung Leadership SVF

What does the degree mean for professional life and future development opportunities?

The Leadership SVF course leads to a certificate from the association. You can then take a further Management SVF module to complete a professional examination to become a management specialist with a federal certificate. This will give you all the skills you need in the field of management and you can have these confirmed by a federal examination.

Leadership Kurs

What career opportunities does the Leadership SVF open up?

People who hold the Leadership SVF qualification can progress in their careers to higher management positions - in some cases even leading departments in larger companies. This is because they have leadership skills such as self-knowledge, self-management, team leadership, communication, conflict management and presentation skills.

Why is the WBA school an innovative educational partner for this course?

Continuing education WBA is a very good partner for Leadership SVF because we have lecturers with a great deal of entrepreneurial experience and can therefore combine theory with practice very well. The skills of managers at WBA can be adapted to different sectors and individual problems.

Overview of providers of leadership training