What does career counseling cost? Are there any financial aids?

The costs for career counseling are usually charged per hour or session. You determine the required number of sessions in the initial consultation.

Initial consultations are offered at different costs: free of charge, at a reduced rate or at a full hourly rate. Find out about the specific prices directly from the career counselors.

This is important to know: There are two types of career guidance for adults: public-cantonal and independent. The Federal Vocational and Professional Education and Training Act obliges the cantons to provide career guidance. In some cantons, career guidance is (still) free of charge for people living there, and some offer discounts for the initial consultation. So check what is on offer in your canton of residence!

If you receive social assistance, an IV pension or unemployment benefit, you may be eligible for a cost credit for career counseling. Discuss this possibility with your social insurance contact person.

To the providers of career advice