What can graduates of the "Cosmetician (certified)" course do?

After successfully completing a cosmetology certificate, you will be prepared to work as a self-employed or employed beautician. You will be able to practise the profession in a beauty salon, in wellness hotels, on cruise ships or as a self-employed entrepreneur, for example. You will have anatomical and dermatological knowledge, know the interrelationships in the human body and know how to apply the various treatment methods and product lines sensibly and correctly.

What are the prospects and benefits of further training?

In addition to specialist knowledge about cosmetics, you will learn a lot about communication (consulting and sales), self-employment (e.g. setting up your own beauty salon) and about yourself. You will get to know other participants and network. Friendships often develop beyond the duration of the course or interesting business relationships are formed. The certificate course is also a good introduction to the beauty industry. For career changers, there is the opportunity to obtain an apprenticeship certificate as a beautician EFZ after three years of professional experience.

Overview of schools "Cosmetician (certified)"