Self-test: Is complementary therapy really my vocation?

Are you interested in so-called manual therapy forms or body therapy methods? Do you know names like acupressure, Alexander technique, craniosacral therapy, eutony, Feldenkrais, kinesiology, polarity, reflexology, shiatsu, Rolfing or yoga therapy? And would you like to train in one of these methods so that you can work with them later? Or are you already practising one of these methods and would like to continue your training in order to obtain a federal diploma as a complementary therapist? Then this further training course could be of interest to you.

Content of the complementary therapy vocation test

Before you embark on an intensive and challenging training course, take our free vocation test to find out whether you have an aptitude for complementary therapy. Based on 18 questions, you will be introduced to all the essential qualities and skills required for a successful career and, at the end, you will be able to assess whether this is your field based on your score:

To the vocation test

To the school overview "Complementary therapist (certified)"