Massage training: experiences and tips from participant Patricia Zehnder - Despite this fine massage technique, the classic massage form has a very good effect.

Portrait-Foto Patricia Zehnder
Patricia Zehnder

Who are you?

My name is Patricia Zehnder. I originally worked in the social services sector. I have opened a beauty salon with the beautiful name SoulSkin GmbH. I offer holistic cosmetics, classic massage and cellulite massage in my practice.

What courses did you take at the Bella Vita Academy?

I completed my cosmetic training and classical massage training at the Bella Vita Academy.

Klassische-Massage Kurs

Why train in classical massage?

I first booked the classic massage training on the recommendation of Carmela Ramundo because I wanted to learn the hot stone massage afterwards. The structure of the training therefore makes sense, as the basic massage techniques from the classic massage are also useful in the hot stone massage. The basic massage knowledge is also taught in the classic massage training. It often happens that men have an effeminate image of classic massage. They think that the massage technique of e.g. sports massage etc. would have a stronger effect. Therefore, after my treatment, they are usually surprised at the holistic effect and the good effectiveness, despite the gentler technique.

Ausbildung Massage

How can you apply your classical massage knowledge in practice?

I use classical massage and the knowledge I acquired during my training in my practice. I have had many positive experiences with it so far. I've had great experiences with people who complained of tension and were able to relax thanks to the massage. My brother, for example, could barely lift his left leg, which is why I massaged him during my training as a case study, so to speak. After my classic massage, he was able to lift his leg 20 cm higher, which made him very happy and confirmed me in my work.

Kurs Massage

Did you set up your own business directly in the massage sector?

After completing the "Classical Massage Training", I received the certificate of the Bella Vita Academy and immediately started working independently in my practice.

What did you find extraordinary about the "Classical Massage" course?

The holistic nature of the application and its effects on the whole person amazed and inspired me during the "Classical Massage" training.

Massage Übungen

What do you remember most about the "Classical Massage" training?

What I particularly liked about the massage training was the constant alternation between the terms shown by the specialist and the application by the course participants. After practising about five massage techniques, we then wrote down in our own words how it worked. I learned the massage techniques very quickly and was able to memorize them well. When learning other massages, I had already learned a different variation using only notes and paper. And this was very difficult for me. This approach helped me a lot by demonstrating it, trying it out under supervision, correcting it and making my own notes.

Klassische Massage

What did you like best about the classical massage training?

I really liked the fact that the specialist showed us the massage techniques first and then we trainees were allowed to perform them immediately on the model. I really benefited from this. The instructor also asked us to write our own notes immediately afterwards, which both challenged and encouraged me in my learning progress. I learned the massage techniques in the classical massage course very quickly and was able to memorize them quite well. This approach was new to me, as I had previously learned other forms of massage mainly "on paper"... Demonstrate - try it out yourself - check and correct if necessary - and then write your own notes: That really convinced me.

Klassische Massage lernen

What was the mood like among the course participants?

The atmosphere among the course participants during the classical massage training was warm and cordial. However, the group composition was somewhat different to what I was used to from other training courses. It was therefore more of a quiet learning process. This had its advantages when the class is not so loud and wild. This quiet and sensitive way of working suited me and also the classical massage training.

Massage Ausbildung

How have you changed personally during your massage training?

By training in massage, I wanted to create a second mainstay for my later self-employment as a beautician. It wasn't enough for me to just offer a cosmetic service. I wanted to offer a broader range of services. That's why I added "classic massage" to it. I learned to rely on what I feel. I learned that the nuances I feel and perceive between people also apply.

Would you recommend the massage training to others?

I would recommend the classical massage training to people who like to work on people's whole bodies and want to achieve a holistic effect on their health. However, you shouldn't have any problems getting into close contact with other people. Because not to forget, every touch is also an exchange of energy, which also has an influence on the masseuse. I would do the classical massage training at the Bella Vita Academy again at any time because I appreciated learning in small classes and in peace and quiet. Carmela Ramundo also kept a very close eye on us to ensure that all the massage techniques were carried out correctly. She challenged us all, but didn't overwhelm us. Her feedback was always clear and comprehensible and encouraged us.

Overview of schools "Classical Massage (Cert.)"