Self-test: Is massage really my vocation?

Massage is one of the oldest healing methods. Everyone automatically places their hand on a painful area of the body or strokes it rhythmically to relieve pain and calm themselves. And for thousands of years, healers, alternative practitioners and doctors have also been alleviating their patients' ailments through targeted applications of various massage techniques such as pressing, tapping, kneading, pressing, laying on of hands or stroking. On the one hand, it has been medically proven that traditional classical massage increases blood circulation and thus better supplies the affected regions with nutrients, loosens adhesions between the layers of tissue, breaks down lymphatic fluid and relaxes the muscles. On the other hand, there are always widespread doubts about the medical effectiveness of massages. Anyone who wants to get to grips with massage techniques and use them professionally should be aware of these differences and seek sound and reputable training. However, this alone is not enough to set up a successful massage practice. In addition to skilled hands, psychological empathy and the willingness to deal with administrative issues, office work or advertising, there are other requirements that must be met. In our free vocation test, you will find out which qualities, skills and talents are necessary to be able to speak of an actual vocation for a massage activity.

Content of the massage vocation test

If you want to start your own massage business or offer massages as part of another job, you should be sure that you have a vocation for massage. You can check whether you have such a vocation with our free vocation test:

To the vocation test

To the "Classical massage (certified)" course offerings