How do I find the computer science course that suits me? How do I become a computer scientist?

Apprenticeship or school?

The more frequently chosen and significantly more cost-effective way is thecompany apprenticeship. You can find out more about the process of an apprenticeship and looking for an apprenticeship from the public careers advice centers or from the career choice teacher in your upper secondary school class.

Anyone who has not found an apprenticeship as an EFZ computer scientist but would still like to complete the computer science apprenticeship or who would like to complete the apprenticeship for other reasons can do pathshould check the following criteria:

  • Geographical location of the school
  • School fees and payment options
  • Support in the search for an internship
  • Specializations offered

Which specialization for the EFZ computer scientist?

To choose the right specialization, first study the job description and training content and see where you are drawn to.

The three specializations for the EFZ computer scientist not only differ in terms of content, they also appeal to different "character types" with different characteristics and skills. Here are a few questions and thoughts that may make your decision easier:

  • Are you a quiet thinker or a highly precise conceptualizer? Are you also creative and love to analyze problems and tinker with puzzles and solutions? If so, then this sounds like a computer scientist EFZ in application development.
  • Do you like to bring everything together and are fascinated by the networking possibilities of ICT? Speak here, print there, clap your hands twice and light, beamer or Swedish stove go into operation? Then systems engineering as a computer scientist could be the right place for you.
  • Are you tech-savvy and enjoy working with people at the same time? Do you keep your nerve when your grandma doesn't understand the difference between the Internet and Whatsapp on the third attempt? Then you're in the right place at the interface between IT and the world of users and should take a closer look at computer scientist EFZ with a specialization in business informatics.

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