Self-test: Is computer science really my vocation?

Can you program and manage your home network yourself? Have you ever designed your own app and perhaps installed it on your system? Then you already have some of the qualities and skills required for a career as a computer scientist.

Do you dream of working for Google, founding your own start-up with self-developed data analysis software or launching a new type of virus protection on the market? Then a Bachelor's degree in computer science could be an interesting path for you.

Use our vocation test to find out what else it takes to be successful in IT and whether you have these qualities and skills.

The online test is free of charge. You can take it anonymously and without giving your name or e-mail address. You will see the result immediately after the test and the results are also available to download as a PDF.

To the vocation test

Provider of degree programs "Bachelor of Computer Science (FH)"