Wage increase after completing the "Computer Science Bachelor FH" program

With a Bachelor's degree from a university of applied sciences, you can take on a specialist management position and become an expert in information and communication systems, the Internet and digitization. A Bachelor's degree in Computer Science from a UAS is also clearly reflected in your salary. The majority of graduates have received up to 30% more pay in the first one to two years after completing their UAS degree.

You can use the "Salarium" salary calculator to work out how high your salary increase could be with a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science FH. Your personal salary opportunities depend on various criteria such as the industry, the region, your employer, your previous training, your professional experience and your age.

We have calculated a case for you as an example: A 23-year-old trained electronics technician with a vocational baccalaureate works in hardware development at an IT company in Schwyz. The relevant data now needs to be entered in Lohnreichner.

Now it's your turn. This is how it works: Open the "Salarium - Wage calculator" window below and then click on "Calculate wages"


  • REGION: Select your region / place of work (in the example Central Switzerland)
  • INDUSTRY: Select your industry (in the example 62 information technology services)
  • PROFESSIONAL GROUP: If you enter electrical engineer, you will be taken to 31 Engineering and similar specialists
  • POSITION IN THE COMPANY: without management function
  • TRAINING: Matura
  • AGE: Your estimated age after completing the training (23 in the example)
  • YEARS OF SERVICE: Your number of years of service (0 in the example)
  • COMPANY SIZE: In the example 20-49 employees
  • 12/13 MONTHLY WAGE: 12 monthly wages
  • MONTHLY / HOURLY WAGE: Monthly wage

Source:"Federal Statistical Office, FSO"

Note: This sample calculation refers to the data of Salarium 2023, this service is temporarily interrupted. Information can be foundhere. A list of other payroll calculator tools is availablehere.

She earns CHF 4,566 per month. After completing a four-year part-time FH degree in computer science, she will take on new tasks and thus be promoted to a higher salary group. To calculate the new salary, enter "Computer scientist HTL" under occupational group and this will take you to 25 Academic and comparable specialists in information and communication technology. Specialists in information and communication technology. Change the education to "Fachhochschule FH" and the age to 27.

Your salary with a Bachelor of Computer Science FH will increase to CHF 6,024, i.e. by a good 30 % or around CHF 1,458. A management position has not yet been taken into account.

Please note: The calculation is intended as an example for "Computer Science Bachelor FH". As mentioned above, the salary depends on various factors and can vary considerably.

Another example of an IT FH with a Bachelor's degree: CHF 1.24 million more salary until retirement

24-year-old Benjamin works as a computer scientist EFZ with a vocational baccalaureate at a small software company in Uster. There he develops, implements, installs, tests, operates and maintains software solutions. The company where Benjamin works specializes in developing applications for web stores and online business processes. He works out a detailed concept with the customer following preliminary clarification. Benjamin then programs the desired software and carries out tests and user training. By documenting the programming, he ensures subsequent support or further development of the application. Benjamin would like to take on a management role in a software company in the future. He is studying for a bachelor's degree in computer science in order to pursue this goal. With this degree course at a university of applied sciences, he wants to deepen his knowledge of computer science and supplement it with additional knowledge in mathematics, physics, programming, software engineering, operating systems, telematics, multimedia and networks. During the four-year course at the university of applied sciences, Benjamin will continue to work 50% in the software sector. After completing his Bachelor's degree, he would like to manage the operational area of software development and take care of the organization, operation and further development. Benjamin supervises his subordinates and takes care of sales, training, data security, change and quality management. With a Bachelor's degree in computer science, he can work as a project manager or executive in a wide variety of companies or aspire to self-employment. With a Bachelor's degree in IT, he has good opportunities on the job market and has been able to significantly increase his salary.

Financial benefits of the Bachelor's degree program in Computer Science

After completing his degree in IT, Benjamin will receive CHF 3,122 more per month than before and will therefore have at least CHF 1.24 million more at his disposal by the time he retires than if he had not studied and graduated with a Bachelor's degree in IT.

As this theoretical calculation does not take into account any further pay rises, promotions or interest on savings, the "Bachelor of Computer Science FH" salary can still increase significantly.

Calculation in detail "Computer Science Bachelor FH"

FH degree course in computer science:

  • 4 years, part-time study, 50% practical work
  • Study costs (enrollment, tuition fees, etc.): CHF 5'860
  • Loss of earnings during the four years of part-time study: CHF 136,944 (5,706 / 2 = 2,853 x 12 x 4)
  • Total training costs: CHF 142,804 (training costs plus loss of salary CHF 5,860 + CHF 136,944 = CHF 142,804)

Wage difference and yield calculation "Computer Science Bachelor FH":

  • Difference in salary between the job as a computer scientist EFZ and the job as a computer scientist: CHF 8,828 - CHF 5,706 = CHF 3,122 per month and CHF 37,464 per year (12 x CHF 3,122 = CHF 37,464)
  • He recoups the total training costs of CHF 143,192 in 3.5 years with his higher salary as a computer scientist (CHF 143,192 / CHF 37,464 per year = 3.5 years)
  • Over the remaining 37 years until retirement (28 to 65), this additional income will add up to CHF 1,386,168 (37 x CHF 37,464 = CHF 1,386,168)
  • If the training costs are deducted from this additional income, an additional sum of around CHF 1,243,000 remains at its disposal(CHF 1'386'168 - CHF 142'804 = CHF 1'243'364)

Sources "Computer Science Bachelor FH":

  • The training costs correspond to the average value of the "Bachelor of Computer Science FH" courses offered in German-speaking Switzerland.
  • Wages were calculated in the federal wage calculator www.salarium.ch with the following settings:
  • Calculations as a computer scientist EFZwith a vocational baccalaureate before the Bachelor's degree:
    • Region: Zurich
    • Sector: 62 Information technology services
    • Occupational group: 25 Academic and compar. Professionals in information and communication technology
    • Position in the company: Level 5 without management function
    • Hours per week: 42 hours
    • Education: Matura
    • Age: 24 years
    • Years of service: not specified
    • Company size: Less than 20 employees
    • 12/13 monthly salary: 13 monthly salary (converted pro rata to 12 salaries)
    • Special payments: no
    • Monthly / hourly wage: Monthly wage
    • Result:Central value (median) of CHF5'706
  • Calculationsafter the Bachelor's degree "Computer Science Bachelor FH":
    • Region: Zurich
    • Sector: 62 Information technology services
    • Occupational group: 25 Academic and compar. Professionals in information and communication technology ("Informatik Bachelor FH")
    • Position in the company: Level 1+2 Upper and middle management
    • Hours per week: 42 hours
    • Education: University of Applied Sciences (FH)
    • Age: 28 years
    • Years of service: not specified
    • Company size: Less than 20 employees
    • 12/13 monthly salary: 13 monthly salary (converted pro rata to 12 salaries)
    • Special payments: no
    • Monthly / hourly wage: Monthly wage
    • Result:Central value (median) ofCHF 8'828

(All figures as at November 2022)

To get to the federal wage calculator, click on the Salarium button.

Salarium - Statistischer Lohnrechner

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