How well known is the "Real Estate Marketer (BP)" course and what is its image among potential employers?

The federal professional examination "real estate marketer", which previously went by the name of real estate agent, has existed as an independent examination for a good 15 years. The predecessor training courses in the real estate sector go back much further. This is evidence of the labour market's need for qualified and professionally specialized people. A look at the job advertisements also confirms this. Many job advertisements explicitly ask for the federal certificate, sometimes under the new name and sometimes under the previous name.

Job and career prospects also continue to look good. Construction is still brisk and the overall real estate portfolio continues to grow as a result. This means that real estate marketers will be in demand for a long time to come when it comes to professionally managing and carrying out the initial letting or changes of ownership of houses, apartments, office and commercial properties.

To the school overview "Real estate marketer (BP)"