Is working in cosmetics and beauty my vocation?

Foot care or pedicure is a cosmetic profession and is therefore often called "cosmetic foot care". It differs from medical foot care in that it focuses exclusively on healthy feet. The training therefore does not require any basic medical knowledge and is accessible to all interested parties.

If you would like to know what other qualities and skills it takes to become really successful in a cosmetic profession, take our free online vocation test and find out whether you have a vocation for the beauty sector.

Content of the cosmetics and beauty vocation test

If you want to start your own business as a chiropodist and build up a successful practice, you should have a vocation for cosmetics and beauty. Take our free vocation test to find out what is required of a chiropodist and whether this corresponds to your vocation:


To the vocation test

To the "Foot care (cert.)" course offerings