Management Specialist SVF - Leadership module: Field report by participant Claudio Venneri - I have gained confidence in myself as a management specialist

Portrait Claudio Venneri
Claudio Venneri

Please introduce yourself briefly and tell us about your career and your current job.

My name is Claudio Venneri. I originally trained as a polymechanic. Through further training in coaching, I moved into the social field 8 years ago and worked with young people with a migration background and behavioral problems. I then completed further training in non-violent communication, SVEB certification and SVF Leadership. Today I manage a department with 13 employees with the task of reintegrating them into the job market.

Lerninhalte Leadership SVF Modul Fuehrungsfachmann-Ausbildung

What courses have you completed at INSPIRIERBAR?

At INSPIRIERBAR, I have successfully completed several further training courses - including the SVEB certificate and Leadership SVF. The SVF Leadership course is a module for the federal certificate for management specialists.

Why take the SVF Leadership course as a module of the further training to become a management specialist with a federal certificate?

I decided to take the SVF Leadership course as part of my further training to become a management specialist with a federal certificate in order to develop as a manager. Today, this knowledge gives me more confidence in my skills, working methods and techniques. This makes me a competent leader today.

Dozent Fuehrungsfachmann-Ausbildung - Modul Leadership SVF

Why did you choose INSPIRIERBAR as your school?

I already knew the school from other training courses. I chose INSPIRIERBAR because they take me seriously and listen to me. Current course situations are addressed and discussed during the course. The course instructors are very competent and professional. They also take the time to answer questions after the course. They also prepare the course participants well for the exam. I was therefore able to get the most out of the leadership course for myself as part of the further training to become a management specialist with a federal certificate.

Unterricht bei Inspirierbar

How does the course support you in your job as a management expert?

The leadership course supports me in my job as a management expert with my presentation skills. I have clearly gained more confidence here thanks to the course. I was also able to further develop my work skills. I am now clearer in my communication with my employees. I have also gained confidence in myself as a manager.

What did you particularly like about the INSPIRIERBAR educational institute?

What I particularly liked about the INSPIRIERBAR training institute was that people are perceived as individuals. I was able to bring my own topics as a management expert into the lessons. This led to visible further development in my current management activities. The course was clear and structured. The course leaders always ensure a pleasant learning atmosphere.

Leadership-Ausbildung zum Kursleiter oder zur Kursleiterin

Were you able to increase your satisfaction with the management course as a module of the further training to become a management specialist with a federal certificate?

I was clearly able to increase my satisfaction with the management course as a module of the further training to become a management specialist with a federal certificate. Today I have a more confident, clearer appearance and stronger communication skills. This helps me both in my day-to-day work and in my private life. I have grown personally as a result of the training.

Führungsfachmann-Ausbildung Modul Leadership SVF.

What learning content was particularly helpful?

I found the Riemann-Thomann model particularly helpful. This helps me as a management specialist to assess types of people and better understand group dynamics. This helps me in particular when selecting employees so that I can shape my team as a whole.

Did the leadership course increase your market value?

Through contacts from a teacher, I got into the application process for an interesting new job. I was one of the last two applicants. In the end, it wasn't quite enough for the job. Nevertheless, I can say that I was certainly able to score points on my CV with the Leadership SVF as a module of the further training to become a management specialist with a federal certificate.

Übungen SVF-Leadership bei Führungsfachmann-Ausbildung.

Is there a specific project, a success that was achieved thanks to what you learned?

Thanks to the course, I can now present myself more clearly as a management expert in discussions with the management and give more competent answers.

When did you like it best in class?

I generally felt very comfortable and in good hands throughout the entire leadership course. The course leaders always managed to create a pleasant, professional atmosphere.

Unterlagen Ausbildung Führungsfachmann

To whom would you recommend the Leadership SVF course as a module for further training to become a management specialist with a federal certificate?

I would recommend the Leadership SVF course as a module of the further training to become a management specialist with a federal certificate to anyone who would like to take on a management role in the near future. People who are already in a management role and want to further develop their skills are also in the right place on such a management course.

Kurs SVF-Leadership um zum Führungsfachmann zu werden

Was there a special "aha" moment during the leadership training?

I had such an "aha" experience during my leadership training. At the time, my line manager and I had a different understanding of leadership, which was also fraught with conflict. By discussing this situation with my course instructor and the class, I realized that my understanding of leadership is also legitimate. It made me understand that I don't have to act the way my line manager wants me to. The course enabled me to work out my own understanding of leadership as a management specialist and then stand up for it with my line manager.

Selbststudium Führungsfachmann-Ausbildung

What was the atmosphere like during the leadership training?

The atmosphere during the leadership training was very harmonious and humorous. A professional working atmosphere was always generated - both by the teachers and the course participants.

What does INSPIRIERBAR stand for to you?

For me, INSPIRIERBAR stands for professional, responsible and competent.

What have you personally gained from further training in management?

Personally, I was able to make new personal contacts for both my private and professional network.

Pause bei Inspirierbar

What aspects were you able to fulfill with the "Leadership training"?

For me, the training fulfilled two aspects: I made personal progress and I was able to confirm my professional qualifications as a management specialist with a leadership certificate.



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