Photography course: 10 advantages of the "Photography" degree

The range of photography courses and training offered is wide and there is something for practically every need.

Summary of the most important advantages of the "Photography" courses and seminars:

  1. There are photography courses at every level and for every need.
  2. No prior knowledge is required for beginners' courses.
  3. There are schools in every region that offer photography courses, so it should be possible for everyone to find a provider within easy reach.
  4. All photography courses are designed to run alongside work and there are various time models to choose from.
  5. The training courses are very practice-oriented and it is possible to apply what you have learned immediately in everyday life.
  6. Between the training days there is plenty of time to practise what you have learned and to deepen your own understanding.
  7. Many schools offer photography courses in a modular system. This makes it possible to gradually expand your own knowledge.
  8. Photography can lead to a federal qualification at various educational levels: Apprenticeship certificate as a photographer EFZ, federal certificate as a photo specialist, federal diploma as a photo designer HFP
  9. At higher technical colleges for design and at universities of applied sciences, it is possible to choose photography as a specialization within a design course.
  10. Photography is a skill that can be put to good use in many different professions (e.g. journalism, adult education, marketing)

Overview of schools for photography courses