Finance and accounting specialist: Field report by Roland von Euw, head of eFachausweis - prepare for the professional examination in finance with online training

Portrait-Foto Roland von Euw
Roland von Euw

Tell us about your professional background.

After studying psychology, I worked mainly in HR and social insurance. In 2018, I completed my Doctor of Education training at the University of Liverpool. During this time, I studied new learning methods in depth and on a scientific basis. In the same year, I founded eFachausweis. eFachausweis offers students the opportunity to prepare for federal professional examinations via online teaching - e.g. as a specialist in finance and accounting.

How did you get into online education and what is your connection to it?

Personally, I was supervised almost exclusively online during my 5-year doctorate at the University of Liverpool. After initial scepticism, I quickly realized that this type of learning was very valuable and efficient for me. We now offer the same learning experience with the eFachausweis. With our online education, students can learn in person - by personalizing the learning material and exchanging ideas with others and experts.

What goals does the eFachausweis training institute pursue in the area of accounting?

Our aim is to provide in-depth knowledge in all areas of financial and operational accounting for small and medium-sized enterprises. With our online training courses, we take advantage of the opportunities offered by digitalization. We also contribute to equal opportunities by giving people who cannot be in the same place at the same time every week access to training courses. I'm thinking, for example, of people with irregular working hours or family commitments, but also of people who live far away from school centers and don't want to travel long distances. This is the ideal way for them to prepare for the professional examination to become a specialist in finance and accounting.

What accounting courses does eFachausweis offer?

We offer the Finance and Accounting Specialist course in two variants: Self-paced or in a mentoring program. Those who opt for the first option learn entirely at their own pace. The only fixed point is the certificate examination at the end of the course. The mentoring course is also flexible in terms of time, but has some fixed dates. On this course, students exchange information about Microsoft Teams and iPad functions in a maximum class group of four and discuss with proven experts via video conferences and forums. Both courses offer prospective specialists in finance and accounting optimal preparation for the professional examination.

Who is the Finance and Accounting Specialist distance learning course particularly suitable for?

The finance and accounting specialist distance learning course is suitable for people who are aiming for a management or specialist role in accounting. It is aimed at practitioners with the necessary self-discipline who wish to prepare flexibly and independently for the professional accounting examination.

What career prospects do you have as a finance and accounting specialist after completing the course?

The course prepares participants for the federal professional examination. Those who pass this examination can hold the title of finance and accounting specialist with a federal certificate. With this qualification, you can be employed as a finance specialist in any organization. Thanks to their specialist and practical knowledge, finance specialists with the certificate can take responsibility for the day-to-day business of finance and accounting.

What do participants learn in this online training course?

All parts of the examination are covered that are also tested in the professional examination for finance and accounting specialists:

  • Accounting
  • Taxes
  • Wages and social security

In addition, eFachausweis offers optional subjects such as negotiation & conflict management, interviewing and English & French, which can be useful for everyday working life. Optional topics can also be covered that are helpful for optimal preparation for professional examinations, such as working and learning techniques, self-management, examination strategy and dealing with examination anxiety.

How much does this online preparation for the professional accounting exam cost?

Online learning costs CHF 6,900 for the self-paced "Specialist in Finance and Accounting" course and CHF 9,400 for the mentoring course. The second course is more expensive as it includes a class network, video conferencing, forum, 1:1 mentoring, online events and an iPad. 50% of the course price can be reclaimed from the federal government after the professional examination. This means that the self-directed course effectively costs students CHF 3,450 and the mentoring course CHF 4,700.

What makes distance learning particularly interesting for students?

Various studies show that technically and didactically well-prepared online courses are just as good or better than corresponding face-to-face courses. Students benefit from personalization options and varied online teaching. Companies also appreciate employees who continue their education in this way. Those who use online education are innovative, open-minded, disciplined and digitally competent. Train to become a finance and accounting specialist with the eFachausweis.

Overview of schools for finance and accounting specialists