What are my career prospects as an energy and environmental technician HF (formerly technician HF Energy and Environment)?

As a technician HF Energy and Environment (new: Energy and Environment Technician HF) you can work in various areas:

  • in the development, production and commissioning of energy and environmental technology systems such as wind turbines, heat pump heating systems, recycling systems or water treatment plants
  • as consultants on energy and environmental issues in production and service companies, at government offices and authorities or at private institutions
  • as energy and environmental managers in companies

With a degree in Energy and Environmental Technology HF, exciting positions in middle or upper management are open to you. You can take on the management of environmentally relevant projects, work as a product manager, production and service manager, energy consultant or specialist in technology and the environment.

What further training opportunities do energy and environmental technicians HF (formerly technicians HF energy and environmental technology) have?

HF technicians in energy and environmental technology (new: HF energy and environmental technicians) can specialize with a postgraduate NDS-HF course or switch to a university of applied sciences (UAS) and expand their expertise there with a bachelor's degree in energy and environmental technology. Possible courses of study:

  • NDS-HF Energy Consultant (HF)
  • NDS-HF Energy Management (HF)
  • NDS-HF SME Energy Manager (HF)
  • NDS HF Building Informatics (HF)
  • NDS HF Innovation Management (HF)
  • Energy and Environmental Engineering Bachelor (FH)

Directly to providers of "Energy and Environment HF" courses for Energy and Environment Technician HF (formerly Technician HF Energy and Environment)