How well known is the "Electrical Installation and Safety Expert (HFP)" qualification among potential employers? What are the professional benefits of further training?

Electrical installation and safety experts have specific specialist knowledge at expert level as well as sound business knowledge. They are therefore able to plan, monitor and take responsibility for electrical installation projects from a technical and economic perspective, as well as manage installation and security companies with the appropriate technical and entrepreneurial expertise. As qualified specialists, electrical installation and safety experts play an important role in the debate on electricity, energy and sustainability and are therefore in demand on the job market, even if the electrical industry is subject to economic fluctuations.

The Higher Professional Examination for Electrical Installation and Safety Experts has been in existence since 1991. Until 2018, the examination and qualification were still called "Electrical Installer with Federal Diploma". The sponsor of the Higher Professional Examination (HFP) is (formerly VSEI), the association of the Swiss electrical industry, which was founded in 1906 and is committed to the design of training and further education courses, among other things. The qualification is well established in the industry and on the Swiss job market.

The Advanced Federal Diploma Examination (HFP) is a federal examination. It concludes with a federally recognized diploma ("federal diploma") and, together with the postgraduate diplomas from higher vocational colleges (NDS-HF), represents the highest level of education in higher vocational education and training. The Federal Diploma generally builds on the Federal PET Diploma (professional examination; BP). It confirms a high level of professional specialization and the ability to manage a business independently.

Provider of training courses for electrical installation and safety experts (formerly electricians)