What opportunities do these courses open up for me? What are the benefits of an ECDL certificate?

According to recent studies by ECDL-Switzerland, 90% of all employees work with a computer in some form. Computer skills are therefore necessary to establish oneself in a job, to keep up with current developments or to return to work after a break. The same studies also show that the average level of computer skills in Switzerland is rather low and that many people overestimate their PC skills.

With an ECDL certificate, you confirm that you are one of those people who are intensively involved with the possibilities of the computer and have sound, up-to-date knowledge.

This will qualify you for jobs in which the confident and safe use of computers, the Internet and social media are taken for granted. It may also open new doors for you in your current job. And when you apply for a new job, this objective proof of your skills can be the trump card you need to beat the competition.

Provider of ECDL courses