Management assistant training: What are the disadvantages of training?

A management assistant with a federal certificate supports the executive board or senior management in their management work and takes on demanding communication, information and administrative tasks. They perform tasks independently in the areas of marketing, human resources, PR and corporate communication and are responsible for organizing meetings and projects.

The main disadvantages of training as an executive assistant are:

  1. As training as a management assistant usually takes place alongside work, the time budget can be tight and free time often has to be sacrificed.
  2. The qualification is not yet very well known among employers, although the training is well established and is becoming increasingly popular. However, management assistants are in high demand and the skills acquired are clearly defined for everyone by the sponsoring organization of the Swiss Commercial Association.
  3. Working as an executive assistant requires a high degree of flexibility, reliability and commitment. The requests they receive are very varied and often have to be dealt with quickly. Working hours can be irregular. You need to be familiar with many areas of business administration and these various topics are also covered in the training.
  4. The pressure of the annual federal final exams is high, but you are specifically prepared for them during your training.


Graduates generally play an important coordinating and mediating role between superiors, employees and customers/suppliers/business partners. They are an important point of contact for managers and employees in a kind of hub function in various sectors. You work in a team within a company, an organization or a public administration.

Education provider Management assistant training