What can graduates of the "Business Economist for SMEs" course do?

Successful graduates of the Federal PET Diploma in Business Administration for SMEs have proven that they have the necessary knowledge and skills to successfully manage a small or medium-sized commercial, craft or industrial business. They are able to recognize ongoing changes and developments in the economy and society and adapt their corporate strategy accordingly. They will make well-founded entrepreneurial decisions, shape the role of managers in the company, define and maintain business and customer relationships, determine process and organizational structures and recognize early signs of legal problems and dangers.

What are the prospects and benefits of further training?

The SME business economist course is the highest level of further education in business administration in the field of higher vocational education and training. It is sector-neutral and enables graduates to take on senior management tasks in any type of SME in any sector. This degree can therefore have a very real impact on your career opportunities and enable you to rise to the highest management positions. The demand for people with such management potential is high in Switzerland, as over 90% of the Swiss economy is made up of small and medium-sized SMEs.

Overview of schools "Business economist for SMEs"