Bachelor of Business Administration / Bachelor in Business Administration: Field report by course director Prof. Dr. Carsten Peuckert at the FHNW School of Business in Olten with detailed information on the FH degree program

Portrait-Foto Carsten Peukert
Carsten Peukert

Please introduce yourself briefly.

My name is Prof. Dr. Carsten Peuckert. I am the course director for the Bachelor in Business Administration and Bachelor of Business Administration programs at the FHNW School of Business in Olten.

Who is the Bachelor in Business Administration / Bachelor of Business Administration program particularly suitable for?

The course is particularly suitable for committed and enthusiastic (mostly young) professionals who have a keen interest in economic topics and economic contexts. A broad spectrum of knowledge is imparted in order to provide sound training for future management positions. For those interested in working in an international environment, there is also an English-language Bachelor of Business Administration (International Management) course.

What are the admission requirements for the degree program in Business Administration?

Basic commercial training with a vocational baccalaureate enables the vast majority of those interested to start a Bachelor's degree in Business Administration. The baccalaureate plus an additional year of practical experience in the commercial sector offers a further entry opportunity. Other training and further education qualifications are examined on a case-by-case basis.

Bachelor of Business Administration

What opportunities do graduates with a Bachelor of Business Administration have?

With a Bachelor's degree in Business Administration, our graduates have a wide range of professional and career opportunities. Be it in auditing and auditing, as marketing or HRM specialists at SMEs, as a specialist at banks and insurance companies or in controlling and treasury...
Together with companies, we offer our students various opportunities to get in touch with each other before graduation, e.g. the "Long Night of Careers" or as part of student research projects.
The Next Career Services team supports and advises all our students on application and career issues.

What do students learn on the Business Administration degree program?

The Bachelor in Business Administration / Bachelor of Business Administration program provides practice-oriented knowledge in all economic subject areas. You will specialize in marketing, business communication, HRM, management, business and economics, mathematics, statistics and law. A wide range of electives allows students to tailor their education to their needs. They can choose between various languages, IT or political and social topics.

Business Administration studieren an der FHNW Brugg

How is teaching structured for the Bachelor in Business Administration / Bachelor of Business Administration?

The first year of study offers lessons in fixed time slots for all students (full-time and part-time). In the following years of study, students can take advantage of the elective courses on offer and tailor their studies to their individual needs and interests. The courses can be used across all locations and degree programs. At the end, the ECTS points required for the Bachelor in Business Administration degree must have been earned.
In the final year of the Bachelor in Business Administration / Bachelor of Business Administration, the individual specialization takes place with the freely selectable field of study (classes on Thursdays for all courses and locations).
Each module is characterized by an attendance part as well as lessons in guided and free self-study.
The Bachelor's degree program in Business Administration comprises 180 ECTS credits. One credit point corresponds to an average student workload of 30 hours. The course includes contact lessons and self-study.

Studium Bachelor of Business Administration

What is expected in terms of preparation and follow-up work in addition to lessons?

One to two hours of preparation and follow-up work can be expected per contact lesson. This can be in the form of self-study or guided tasks.

What support do participants in the Bachelor in Business Administration / Bachelor of Business Administration program receive?

Our lecturers support students in their personal learning process during the Bachelor in Business Administration. Coaching sessions and question and answer sessions are offered. In the first year of study, there are also practice sessions for the Business Mathematics and Statistics and Financial Accounting modules to consolidate the knowledge learned together with the lecturers.

Are there learning assessments for the Bachelor in Business Administration / Bachelor of Business Administration?

The performance assessments take place at the end of a semester and, depending on the module type, also during the semester.

How much does the Bachelor in Business Administration / Bachelor of Business Administration course cost?

The semester fees for the Bachelor in Business Administration / Bachelor of Business Administration degree program amount to CHF 700:
- Registration fee (one-off) CHF 200
- Semester fee (per semester) CHF 700
- Copies and consumables (per semester) CHF 100
- Teaching materials, books, projects (per year) approx. CHF 1,000
- Diploma fee (one-off) CHF 300

Business Administration Studium an der FHNW Basel

What makes the study locations Olten, Brugg-Windisch and Basel particularly interesting for students?

All locations for the Bachelor in Business Administration and Bachelor of Business Administration are centrally located with optimal connections to public and private transportation. The infrastructure is specifically designed to meet the needs of students. Bright lecture rooms, an extensive library, various catering facilities, individual group rooms and retreat niches for preparation. A wide range of sports and leisure activities round off the offer. A motivated team of lecturers and staff support and accompany students in their day-to-day studies.

What are your school's transport connections like?

All locations are particularly suitable for Bachelor in Business Administration students who use public transport. The train connections to the major centers and cities are optimal.

Why should prospective students choose the Bachelor of Business Administration degree program at the School of Business?

Our training opportunities, the optimal infrastructure, the staff composition and the diverse social life provide our students with the perfect learning environment for a successful Bachelor in Business Administration.

How do you experience the participants?

Highly motivated and committed students who use the training program to meet their needs with bite and focus. Students' participation and willingness to learn is an elementary component of our teaching. We promote and encourage our students to get actively involved.

How do examinations for the Bachelor in Business Administration / Bachelor of Business Administration work?

At the end of the semester, written and/or oral examinations are held for the Bachelor in Business Administration or Bachelor of Business Administration in the modules previously taught. Students receive the examination schedule in good time so that they can prepare sufficiently. Depending on the module, the examinations last between 60 and 120 minutes.

Overview of schools "Bachelor of Business Administration"