Instructor with a federal certificate: Experience report by Jannis Constantinou - I can use the knowledge I have gained from this training in my everyday life when imparting knowledge and designing courses

Portrait-Foto Jannis Constantinou
Jannis Constantinou

Please tell us something about your career to date and about yourself.

My name is Jannis Constantinou. I am 45 years old. I started my career with a commercial apprenticeship in the banking sector. After a stay abroad in the USA, I entered the airline industry in 1999. I still work for SWISS International Airlines as a cabin crew member. For about 10 years I have also been working as an instructor in the Service Training and First Class departments at LAT.

Why did you decide to become an instructor with a federal certificate?

During my first period as an instructor, I was able to complete SVEB Module 1 internally. I then decided to attend the other SVEB modules externally in order to train as an instructor with a federal certificate. This was done on a voluntary basis.


Why did you complete the instructor training course at the Migros Club School?

I completed my first external module for the instructor with a federal certificate at the Migros Club School because I was able to combine it well with my professional activities. Although I had always looked around for other schools. However, I kept coming back to the Club School - because of the good locations, the very good lecturers and the course times that suited me.

What motivated you to do this apprenticeship?

My motivation for training as a trainer was my conviction that this course would give me a good foundation and prepare me well for the future in adult education. I was convinced that I had learned many good methods that I could use in practice. Thanks to a good, solid foundation in the field of education, I have created a functioning second mainstay for myself alongside flying.

Ausbilder mit eidg. Fachausweis

How does the knowledge gained from the trainer course support your professional work?

I can apply the knowledge I learned in the instructor courses very well in everyday situations. It also gave me very good tools for revising existing courses or developing new ones.

What did you like best about the courses?

I really enjoyed the cross-industry aspect of the courses for instructors with a federal certificate. In the various modules, I was together with various colleagues from Rega, Klubschule intern or other sectors and was able to gain a wonderful insight into their areas during the breaks, in group work or by reading through their work. You don't usually have this opportunity in everyday working life. This was very enriching for me.

Erwachsenenbildung Ausbilder

Were there any challenges during the instructor/trainer course?

There were certainly challenges from time to time during the instructor training course. One of the biggest challenges was the time factor in addition to the normal professional environment. Good time planning was necessary to stay on track everywhere.

Did the training lead to more satisfaction for you?

Yes, the instructor training certainly gave me a sense of satisfaction and reassurance after successfully completing it. It's always the case that when you tackle something, see it through and finish with a positive result, it gives you satisfaction. Especially in this day and age, it's important for me to have a good, solid foundation in order to have a certain flexibility and security in my career.

Ausbilder Fachausweis

Did you also learn to stand in front of people during your training as an instructor?

The trainer course gave me good tools to know what to focus on when designing a learning event. But also how to deal with certain situations during lessons. I was already able to stand up in front of people as a cabin crew member and didn't have to learn that on the course. It's like being on a catwalk, you're under constant scrutiny and have to deliver to the customer's satisfaction. That was nothing new for me...

Have you been able to increase your market value with this training?

I am convinced that the further training as an instructor with a federal certificate has increased my market value. However, it was even more important for me to have peace of mind, as I know that I am well positioned with my knowledge. This gives me a certain security even in uncertain times.

Ausbilder Weiterbildung

Has the instructor course changed your professional activity?

My professional activity has not changed significantly as a result of the instructor course. I was already doing what I do today. The qualification was not required of me. It did, however, open up my access to working on and designing new course subjects.

What learning content helped you the most?

Certain sequences from the modular training course for trainers have been very useful to me - especially in my private life. I'm thinking of the group dynamic processes, for example. The lessons took place in a monastery. I can also apply what I learned there in my private life, because this is an insight for life. All the reflections have also helped me professionally.

Ausbildung Fachausweis Ausbilder

What did you like best about the lessons?

What I liked most about the instructor training course was the diversity of the individual modules and the focus topics. You learn things that are useful in a professional environment. However, you can also take a lot away with you for your private life.

Was there a project or success that you achieved thanks to the trainer?

I am allowed to supervise a course with a colleague and take responsibility for it. My qualification as an instructor has certainly made this possible. Our responsibilities range from conceptualization to teaching.

Where would you be today without the training?

For me personally, the professional situation would be no different. For me, the initial situation was much more the reason for attending the instructor course. It was important to me to ensure that the instruction was carried out in a serious manner with a good foundation. This also allows me to demonstrate my commitment to my superiors and those around me.

Kurs Ausbilder

What did you enjoy most during the course days for the trainer?

I really appreciated the different topics in the various modules on the way to becoming a certified instructor. I also found the different types of course structure very exciting. Being together with people who do the same job in different sectors was enriching. I heard how teaching is organized and carried out there. These glimpses behind the scenes, joint group work and small projects during the course led to an active exchange and enriching examples.

To whom would you recommend the instructor with a federal certificate?

I recommend the instructor with a federal certificate to anyone who works in knowledge transfer - whether as an instructor or in any other form. Those who - like me - enjoy passing on knowledge. I am still convinced that the qualification provides a solid basis for this professional activity.

Can you remember a key moment?

I can well remember a key moment from the additional module "Supporting learning processes digitally" from the trainer. I was able to follow my first complete school day as a live lesson online from home. The key insight for me was that if you want to convert an existing face-to-face lesson to online or digital teaching, you can't do it one-to-one. The lessons have to be designed differently for this.

How was the atmosphere in the instructor course?

The atmosphere in the trainer course was very good among us participants across all modules. We were able to benefit from each other as a diverse audience. Instructors with years of professional and life experience met very young new people who wanted to gain a foothold in adult education. This mix of different types of people on the instructor course was very enriching for me. We had very good lecturers across all modules - even years later I can still remember how a lecturer explained something or how they reacted to certain circumstances. If you can still recall this, I think a lecturer has done a great job.

What makes Migros Club School unique?

What I particularly like about the Migros Club School is the dense network of locations and the easy accessibility by public transport. I also think the price-performance ratio for training to become a trainer is very good. The same goes for the extensive range of course options and course times as well as the prompt module start options.

What did you ultimately gain from the qualification as an instructor with a federal certificate?

The instructor degree with a federal certificate gave me a solid foundation. You learn many useful tools in the five modules, which I can only recommend, as I can use them well in everyday life when imparting knowledge and designing courses. The degree gives me the feeling that I am equipped for the future and I have good specialist knowledge - no matter what I have to face in my career. I therefore see the training as an ideal building block if you want to be active in this field in the long term.

Overview of schools "Trainers with a federal certificate"